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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - Spoonie on June 02, 2003
    Ooh I loved it. Im guessing it was Ron, but possibly Harry- after all those two are always up and about, or my third - Pansy. I'm being terribly boring I know, but hey. My imagination abandoned me!
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  • From ANON - deedee on June 02, 2003
    Congratulations on your nomination:) I'm going right over there to vote. But first, great chapter! I love that speech Ron gave Hermione. Why 't a't all guys say things like that? Anyway, I was wondering if Draco would ever bring Hermione to his room for one of their "meetings". I only brought this up because he once said he would not bring Pansy there because he wanted his privacy. He doesn't like Pansy; so no room for her. On the other hand, he likes Hermione; so she might get the room. Right?

    I think the person who saw them was Ron. Please write more soon:)
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  • From ANON - HPfreak18 on June 02, 2003
    I knew someone would see them eventually. I just wonder who. Also, I think it is great that Draco is talking to Hermione.
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  • From ANON - SnapeLover on June 02, 2003
    I love what you're doing with this fic and the characters! IMO it's so good that you're keeping Draco more-or-less true to form (i.e., evil!) This was a lovely, exciting chapter... you must be having a lot of fun writing this! Congrats on the nomination, I shall certainly be voting for you. Look forward to future chapters!
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  • From ANON - Bree on June 01, 2003
    Congrats on your nomination! I truly think that this is an excellent story. I cannot wait for the next chapter and I hope that you plan on keeping it updated as much as possible!!!
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  • From ANON - Karena Elizabeth on June 01, 2003
    Wow that was freaking hot! *whew* I need to go stand in a cold shower now! And I think it was Ron who was watching!

    Update soon!
    Karena ELizabeth
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  • From ANON - Elle on June 01, 2003
    I love the fact that you can write damn good erotica without forgetting to keep both phsical *and* emotional description. So many of these 'writers' get urgent when writing sex scenes and concentrate only on what their imagination is conjuring at that exact moment. It makes for a very uninteresting read.

    Congratulations also on keeping the variety. These stories are also at risk of becoming dull if the sex scenes are the same every time.

    Oh, did I mention that I also love the storyline?!
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  • From ANON - chieri on May 31, 2003
    Great story! I love the concept, and your writing style is excellent... Hope to see more of this story soon!!
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  • From ANON - Ema on May 31, 2003
    your story is very good. i like reading the authors notes at the end which explain things that ppl mite not understand. keep writing
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  • From ANON - Spoonie on May 30, 2003
    I loved it! Punch ups between Draco and Ron are always good fun haha!
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  • From ANON - flushingthetoilet on May 29, 2003
    uh....i know this has nothing to do with this story...but since you update this one so much i thought you'd read the reviews here more than on ur other story "in the dragon's flames"......i was jus wonng ing if you were ever gonna update tat story.....i really want to know wat happens
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  • From ANON - Stained Lips on May 29, 2003
    This is very quickly becoming my favorite het fic. I love everything about it. Your writing, creativity, and characterizations are all just brillant. Looking forward to the next chapter!!!
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  • From ANON - sorceress on May 29, 2003
    Chapter 6 was EXCELLENT!!!! I am anxiously awaiting you continuing this INCREDIBLE story!!!
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  • From ANON - SnapeLover on May 29, 2003
    Yeah, bay-bee!! Am enjoying tand and am waiting for more, please!
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  • From ANON - HPfreak19 on May 28, 2003
    Good chapter, thanks for writing. I am glad they finally took the next step!eah!eah!
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