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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - Josh Cohen on July 01, 2005
    Reading something like this makes me realize just how many liberties so many D/Hr authors -- including myself, to a lesser extent -- take with canon. It is extremely difficult to keep the two of them in character at the same time, and that may be why it's such a popular pairing -- because the way it's written, the odds are good it couldn't possibly happen.

    But I believe it, after reading this. I believe that even canon-Draco and canon-Hermione can tolerate each other enough to make scads of whoopee. Good story. Amusing, too.
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  • From ANON - Constructive Flamer on June 14, 2005
    Just a quick question, (Wooo I love your story by the way. I got the link from raffyv's smut vault).

    "I'll knock his block off." -Ron (The begining of Chapter Three)

    Did you get that from common English phrases, or the movie 101 Dalmations (Disney)? Because that's what it made me think of when I read it. This is a cool story so far, I suppose its finished since I found it in the smut vault, but you're an awesome writer and I would like to read more of your stuff after this.

    Good Job,

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  • From ANON - Natalie (natyslacks) on June 13, 2005
    *squeals* I love this story so far....thats why i'm writing this at 4:51 am trying not to wake my parents as I was so addicted to this story and my key board is extreemly I better cut it short. "THIS STORY IS BLOODY BRILLIANT" I think that sums it up :D Please update soon, when ever you can.
    Luv Naty
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  • From ANON - KanSol on June 10, 2005
    I'm totally inlove with your story. Can't wait for the next update.
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  • From ANON - Elisa on June 06, 2005
    I have recently been reading some fan fic and let me tell you Adamo Fidelitas is probable the best I have read. I am very disappointed it is not finished and I see you have not updated for almost a year. Do you plan on finishing it? It would be a pity you didn't. I`m a big fan of greek mithology and I have loved your references to it. Your Hermione and Draco are very much alive, not empty like in many other stories I have read.
    You have a fan fron South America in me and I really hope to read the end of the story. If you ever decide on updating it, could you please mail me?
    Congratulations once more.
    Best regards,
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  • From ANON - stephanie on June 06, 2005
    hey great story! its been forever since an update, are you done with writing fanfiction??
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  • From ANON - Jess on June 02, 2005
    i love this fic!... it is so good... and the whole plot is very clever... i have a feeling that it was pansy who did that to her room but i might be wrong... anyway, i hope you update soon... see ya!
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  • From ANON - CLowe on June 02, 2005
    Please update this. Don't leave us all at the last chapter and not finish it.
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  • From ANON - Lrnd on May 31, 2005
    This is a totally awesome story and I would like to be added to your update list ... I love the Goldilocks story, also I had a question about how was Draco affected by the potion? I was just a tad confused ... My own thoughts were that it happened because the first and second person to take the potion would be affected or the first person he kissed? Just a query?

    EXCELLENT Story though ... how will HG ever regain his trust is just another question
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  • From ANON - rani on May 30, 2005
    hey, are you still updating??

    anyway i think this story is AWESOME!!
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  • From ANON - Kimi on May 26, 2005
    wow...i really love your story and I hope you keep writing it!
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  • From Flora on May 18, 2005
    I have to say with the utmost certainty that this is the best Draco/Hermione fic that i have ever read. Wow. You truly have all these characters down and it was with such enjoyment that i read it all. I've noticed though that you haven't updated in a while and was wondering when you would be back if at all.
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  • From ANON - megt on May 12, 2005
    This story is freakin' amazing! I stumbled upon it and I could not stop reading it. Needless to say around 4 this morning I finished and it was worth every sleeping second I spent on it! ;D I absolutely loved it and I pray that you are in the process of posting the next chapter as I type this. lol. Your DM/HG relationship is THE best one I have ever read. Such a natural evolution instead of a spontaneous about face in their attitudes. I cannot wait to read more. If you have a yahoo group or a personal website I would love to visit it... THANK YOU for posting this incredible story. Meg
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  • From ANON - Gioia on April 30, 2005
    I've very much enjoyed this story, particularly the complex characterizations. I like that Hermione can be thoughtlessly cruel and Draco can agonize over what's right. You've added some very interesting dimensions to this story. It looks like it hasn't been updated in some time, so I assume that the story is abandoned? If so, please allow me to thank you for all you invested in it thus far, regardless of whether it's finished. Your hard work is greatly appreciated.
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  • From ANON - lorett on April 30, 2005

    SIGN ME UP! SIGN ME UP! Over here! Look at me!!!! Please sign me up on your email update list or whatever you've got going on.

    It's been since July that you last updated this...Is this the end of the story? If it is then it was quite fun. It certainly appears that it COULD end here. But I hope for more of a neat bow to tie it up.

    Anyway, if you've got other things in the works, please let me know.

    If you've got a Yahoo Group going, please send me the link.

    Thanks and I really enjoy this story!

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