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Reviews for Longer

By : isidore13
  • From HeartStar on August 22, 2012
    Very interesting I didn't see that ring twist in the end comming . very nice!
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  • From ANON - En4cerMax on December 11, 2005
    I think I might have read this on another site. Beautiful story. I love the relationship that Harry and Severus has and the end part when he asked about how he felt about children. Good. Very good. :) Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - essi on October 30, 2005
    I could swear I've read this fic before, only that it had Draco Malfoy instead of Lindsey Parkinson. Have you written two versions or is there a copy-cat out there? I can't remember who the other author was or where the fic was located, but I just wanted to make sure that there's no stealing going on...
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  • From ANON - Arwen Rayne on February 10, 2005
    I like the story but I must say that it is remarkably like one that was posted here earlier. The only visible difference is that you are introducing Lindsey Parkinson instead of Draco. The whole plot is exact. You might want to check on this...
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