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Reviews for The Homerun Blues

By : Padfoot
  • From ANON - Liz on December 20, 2004
    Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I liked that it wasn't peaches & cream (Hermione losing her virginity, that is). It rarely ever is, right? And, like you said, that leaves it opened to be 'fixed'. I don't like stories where everything seems to be too good. And I also don't like something that's too serious either. That's why your stories are so great. I love your humor and I do see the whole spoof thing. But, instead of being stupid humor (like a lot of spoof movies), it still has a purpose and feeling. Way to go! Love it, love it, loooooooove it! Kudos on your brilliance and Happy Birthday! I'm coming up on 26, so I'm a little past your prime. Enjoy! P.S. It's not all it's cracked up to be (21, that is).
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  • From ANON - Allie Dark on December 20, 2004
    Just wanted to say that, like all your stories, I just adore this one. Aside from potions and the magic and stuff all the characters and emotions and relationships seem so real and authentic, which is such a lovely change from all the PWP out there. Happy Birthday by the way and thanks for gifting everyone else with your great writing ^_~
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  • From on December 20, 2004
    it looks like draco struck out, instead of hitting a homerun. but i do love a good game of baseball. lol
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  • From ANON - Andrea Malfoy on December 20, 2004
    Happy B-day! ^_^ Thanks again for becoming my beta! I e-mailed you back. And told you all the detals! Update soon! I have too see what happens! ^_^
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  • From ANON - semperputus on December 20, 2004
    who said anything about his neck Happy githday to you for 21st December 21 good age enjoy your present will await you tomorrow
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  • From ANON - Tamea on December 20, 2004
    Woah!Draco got raped!Well,kinda.He
    *was* resisting.Heehee.

    This fic is getting better and better!Keep it up.You mentioned that it'll be 13 chapt?Woah,long way to go since its only the 6th chap!I wonder what's next...Cya tomorrow!
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  • From ANON - Liz on December 20, 2004
    You are one of my new favorite authors on! I am also reading Trials of Affliction and Light Sleeping and I absolutely love everything I've read of yours so far. You write the best Draco/Hermione relationships. They play off of each other so well! How long does it take you to write a fic? I love that you update everyday because I don't think I could wait. Where do you get your ideas?
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  • From ANON - nicky on December 20, 2004
    just read chapters 2-6 and... again: wow, great plot.
    I had some difficulties with reading through chapter 2 and the first half of chapter 3, because Hermione's thoughts seemed to go back and forth and she didn't really make a final decision or so... I mean, I guess you just wanted to show her thoughts as confused as she was but... I don't know... I kinda think you could have done that in less than one and a half chapters.
    Don't be sad though! I really like the story from there on, especially how you present Malfoy gradually becoming more and more interested in Hermione. And this end of chapter 6... oh my... what's gonna happen?????? (I'm so glad right now about you updating daily... I don't think I could take a long wait :D )
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  • From ANON - moi on December 20, 2004
    This is soo cool i absolutly love keep updating XXX :)

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  • From ANON - piepiekoh on December 20, 2004
    I read both this version and the version. I would like to say that I totally did not enjoy this chapter. AT ALL.
    I don't really like the way you portrayed Hermione in this chapter although I knpow that it was the potion doing it. But I don't think Hermione can face Draco after what has happened. And will she still have to drink the potion? And how will she explain to her professors? I know you would probably explain all these in the later chapters but I just have to say that I don't like how Hermione was portrayed in this story. You seem to have turned her into this sex-deprived person and I know it is because of the potion but I still can't understand why she has become like this. But I guess I don't have to understand. I just have to accept.
    By the way, if you don't understand what I'm talking about, don't fret about it because I don't seem to understand what I'm talking about either.
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  • From ANON - Mercika on December 20, 2004
    Yet again, you have ANOTHER one of your readers hooked. You are a very rare writer, who has the gift to turn any *bwitched* situation in a romantic, clinging, horny and wonderful story. I am looking foward to your next update, and looking forward to more great stories that may be in store from you.
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  • From ANON - Amber on December 20, 2004
    omg... That's... in a way kind of sad... Hermione losing her virginity over a silly potion and mistake and... and... That ending was so sad... :(... At least Draco feels bad about it, the evil little git. I feel like crying now with Hermione. look what u did... lol... :(... ok well, keep up the good work, and I'll be checking back for another chappie soon!!!! .. Draco better go and talk to her and not screw anything up even more. If he does make things worse, we'll have to hurt 'em... *grins evilly*
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  • From ANON - Andrea Malofy on December 19, 2004
    Your a really good aouther! Update soon! I have to see what happens! ^_^ But can I ask you something? Could you be my beta? I really need one. You don't have to its just i can't spell for shit. You can e-mail me your answere. And I'll send you my profile from!
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  • From ANON - NightSiren on December 19, 2004
    I read this already at the ficexchange, but I figured I'd leave a review here, and just say that I loved this whole plot! Very hot.
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  • From ANON - Betty on December 19, 2004
    I've read most of your stories and I must say, having Hermione practically rape Draco - not like you. I liked it.
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