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Reviews for The Homerun Blues

By : Padfoot
  • From ANON - Vixen Malfoy on December 23, 2004
    Oh man... i feel so bad for Hermione and Draco right now... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?? :p I guess i didn't really expect harry to react like that.. but now i think about it, it actually does make sense.. it's just in all Hermione/Draco stories i've never seen harry react in that way to Hermione's relationship.. probably because most people emphasise on Ron's distaste with the situation *grin* so nice going for the different plot.
    As for the letter Draco received from his father.. either it was Pansy pretending to be Lucius or she was the one who told him..
    Well i'm really annoyed that Hermione was talking to her *soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend* mer.. please update soon so we get to find out what's going to happen next!
    Love Vixen

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  • From ANON - Hanna Delacour on December 23, 2004
    Okay that was just cruel... did you have to burst the happy bubble before christmas. I hope Pansy gets shipped off to a colliseum to face off against a pack of rabid, hungry and pissed off den of lions. I thought Ron would take it worse than Harry. But I did like the way Harry stomped out of the great hall. Please re connect Draco and Hermione soon! Merry Christmas and I hope your birthday was good!
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  • From ANON - Elektra Malfoy on December 22, 2004
    oh dear oh dear OH DEAR!!! Poor Hermione and Draco! *glares at Pansy* i can't BELIEVE that she owled Lucius! I mean obviously she wants Draco for herself but REALLY! mer!!! i can' t believe that it's over BEFORE it started!!!

    i CAN understand Harry being upset... i mean i probably would be too... but i'm a little surprised that Ron isn't yelling... he really hates malfoy and he *unusally in fan fics* likes Hermione... oh well ur the boss! *grin* do what you please! *nod*

    well awesome work! ur so good to all of us updating so regularly! *nod* so thanks for being so awesome! *smile* we don't mind at all that you havn't responded ot reviews yet! take ur time!! well can't wait to see what happens... how many chapters are left??? good luck!

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  • From ANON - Amber on December 22, 2004
    ooooh... loved this Chapter... Harry needs to get over it though. Ron needs to boil down and Draco's father should die a slow and painful death... *grins*. Do not tell me they're going to break up now... not after all of this... please? *puppy dog eyes*
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  • From ANON - Andrea Malfoy on December 22, 2004
    OMG! Update soon! I have too see if Draco and Hermione break up! ^_^
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  • From ANON - lala on December 22, 2004
    i new it wouldnt be soo perfect..
    tear...but yay for update. and
    cant wait for tomorrow
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  • From ANON - Mercika on December 22, 2004
    'Soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend'? What?!? NO!!!! You cannot do this!!! They are so god-damned perfect for each other!!! PLEASE!!! *Ahem*
    What I meant to say is that this is a absolutely great story, and I am frantically waiting for the next updated chapter.
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  • From ANON - semperputus on December 22, 2004
    Ohh my god you can't do this to me ahhhhhhhhhh
    Give me back my Draco I need some stress relief
    I hope you had a brilliant birthday and I'm sorry I can't get to a computer tomorrow as this story is compulsive but I'll be on christmas eve GMT
    I might be worrying about the decrection of this story but your writing is exceptional as always
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  • From ANON - Monkmess on December 22, 2004
    Great story, I'm enjoying it a lot. It's a clever take on a common theme. I've started reading some of you other stories as well, and they are all very well written. You don't try to drown the story in detail, yet you don't slack off on it using only dialogue. Do you write anything other than Harry Potter fics? If you have anything on the internet I'd be very interested in reading them. Oh, and thanks for the quick updates. I hate when people start a story and don't update for months, sometimes not at all. Five stars to you!!!
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  • From ANON - Liz on December 22, 2004
    This better have a good ending! Don't get all creative and have a plot twist where no one is happy in the end. That would suck majorly! Otherwise, loved the chapter. Pansy's always a conniving, manipulative bitch, but those are good sometimes. How was your B-day? Eventful, hopefully.
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  • From ANON - Avanell on December 22, 2004
    NOOOO! Just when things were looking! Please get them back together...or never part to begin with. Let Pansy trip over a nice big cliff. my favorite part here? Draco wanting to jump up and down, then realizing he felt REAL.
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  • From ANON - nicky on December 22, 2004
    ohhhh, no!!!!!
    this just isn't fair. *sobsobsob*

    good writing though!

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  • From ANON - andrea on December 22, 2004
    This story is increadibly funny! I love it!
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  • From ANON - nicky on December 22, 2004
    Awwwwww.... they kissed...again... but for real.... *yayyayyay*

    ok, *calmsdown* what I really liked about this chapter was Malfoy asking Hermione to hit him if necessary, that's so sweet!
    And then there's this one scene, when he wonders why he doesn't ask her out and then there's a pause and then "He wasn't scared of her!"
    I mean ... honestly, I guess about everyone reading that went all ironical and snorted something like "Yeah, right!"
    And I just love when that happens :D
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  • From ANON - Vixen Malfoy on December 22, 2004
    *Grins widely* *dances* They kissed again! And it wasn't a mistake!! Hehe, and Hermione punched Malfoy. *Smile* One of your best chapters yet, though short.. *grin* but i'll forgive you because i know you'll be posting again tomorrow and you *did* say it was late so i believe you. Can't wait for tomorrow!
    Love Vixen!
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