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Reviews for The Kinkiness of Harry

By : Roedhunt
  • From ANON - dildo on July 09, 2007
    More of the kinky Lucius.
    I think his character is so hot.
    What happen to Draco?

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  • From ANON - Billie on July 06, 2007
    I absolutely love this story.
    Lucius was just so hot.
    I think they are the perfect pair.
    Please please please continue.
    I really want to read about Draco's reaction.

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  • From mistressofrain on July 04, 2007
    That was awesome
    Or in other words
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  • From DB1 on May 13, 2007
    @15. Awesome story, I love it. update soon

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  • From ANON - Nolie664 on May 08, 2007
    That was absolutely amazing. You should do a sequel. Reaction of everyone regarding their relationship & more D/s lemons.
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  • From SirenSkywalker on May 07, 2007
    mmmmmmmmmmh nice. Veery nice. Id like it if you emailed me the next tim eyou uppdate. Hope to read more from you soon.
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  • From ANON - Kermit on April 22, 2007
    I really enjoyed the story, I have read it numerous times and can't wait for you to update this and other stories you have written. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ladym on February 15, 2007
    So wonderful! Please continue. :D
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  • From Leentjef on January 20, 2007
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  • From ANON - Mie on January 04, 2007
    I love this story your S/M is magnificent. I love your characters as well. this was gret and i can't wait to read more of your stuff.
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  • From ANON - Kermit on December 20, 2006
    Excellent, keep up the hard work. I have read all 15 chapters twice now and really enjoyed the story.
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  • From ANON - brat on December 16, 2006
    WOW!!!! XD that was HOT!!! the whole story so far XD i love it!! i cant wait until the next chapter!! (there is going to be another one right??)you have talent. its been awhile since ive read a well writen dom/sub relationship story. you seen to know your stuff and i like that!!XD i loved all the chapters so far (i havent commented on them individaly though...i wanted to wait untill i got to the end of this one)anyway love your work!! cant wait to read more XD
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  • From ANON - Jane on December 06, 2006
    TBC really now? Are you coming back, or are you lieing to us?
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 02, 2006
    Oh fuck. That must be the kinky'st thing I have read in ages. Pleas continue.And if posible contact me
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  • From ANON - jenn on November 06, 2006
    OMFG that is so unbelievabily so freaking hot there are no words for what u have created hahahahahahaha lol lol ......ummm yeahhh anyway i really hope that u update soon cause i really enjoyed ur story so please update soon :D
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