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Reviews for The Kinkiness of Harry

By : Roedhunt
  • From Silverwolf21 on April 06, 2005
    This is one hot fic! Outstanding work! Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Fefs on March 28, 2005
    uh.. i think i'm preatty kinky myself cause i think that was HOT. Wow.. i wanna read more!!! Please update soon! Hugs!
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  • From ANON - Aunt Bijou on March 27, 2005
    Aaaaaahhhh!!! You can't stop it there!!! I've been waiting ages for you to update and ... and...and.... oh, you evil writer you!!! Please, please don't leave us hanging like this!! Please!!! Urgh!! More, more!!
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  • From ANON - Jewels on March 25, 2005
    Oh I certainly hope there is more to come with this story!!!
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  • From Silverwolf21 on March 11, 2005
    Oh, I love this fic! Please, Please write more. And if there is a e-mail list for updates on this story, please add me to it. Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Eloradanin on February 17, 2005
    please continue with this story, love it ^__^
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  • From ANON - Mogli the Witch on February 12, 2005
    Hi :-)))

    Wow, this story is simply terrific!

    You've really got talent as a writer - the atmosphere in this is wonderful.

    I love BDSM, but I love it even more if it is described properly throughout the story. Just the thought about Lucius as a responsible Dom... That's enough to let *my* knees go weak.

    If Harry didn't know if he could trust this mysterious stranger, he should now, after that "session" in chapter 6, have realized that said stranger is not someone who takes the responsibility (given to him by the consent of a submissive who is as inexperienced as Harry when it comes to practical BDSM) lightly.

    Lucius is just yummy in this... All you want in a Dominant :-) And you describe him exactly the way I love him :-))))) I'd wish to be able to write this way...

    There is one thing... I don't know, if I'm wrong (after all, English is only my second language) but this sentence did sound strange to me:

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  • From ANON - jess on January 18, 2005
    nice updates :)

    im still wondering what the hell old malfoys up to.......?????

    update soon :)
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  • From ANON - jess on January 10, 2005
    a great start, more soon please
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