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Reviews for Haunted

By : Wickedmay
  • From tanyaflorio on March 30, 2010
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  • From camtipli on May 18, 2009
    That is beyond wicked. That is absolutely, horribly, deliciously beyond wicked.

    I didn't see it coming. Unexpected and twisted. Sooo twisted. Oooh, it gives me shivers, it is so twisted! Oh man, that was fantastic. I loved the ending. Perfect for the tone, malicious enough to make up for the few terrifying seconds of what smelled like fluff... Genius!
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  • From ANON - Burning.Ember on August 06, 2006
    wow, that was great.
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  • From ANON - HP Fan on August 06, 2006
    o.O holy shit, that sucked! >.< *dies* the situation, not the fic! *laughs* poor draco, sheesh that was sad. ^.^ man, i want to laugh but at the same time i pity the poor git. >.< what's he supposed to do for eternity!? bwahaha, that was awesome! ^.- i luved all the ghostness, evilness and coolness. ^.^ wonderful fic!!! hurray for angst!
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  • From ANON - Kat on December 13, 2005
    OMG, please write a sequel!!! Please, please, please! I have this feeling that more can be written about what happens after, like, I dunno, Harry does come back or something. I understnad if you don't want to but I would absolutely love it if you made a happier sequel. Thx
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  • From ANON - Caz on November 28, 2005
    Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu They were meant to live(die) Happily ever after!!! *drowns in own tears* The story was great but you SUCK. *mope*
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  • From ANON - Joana on November 18, 2005
    ... it's... wow, I cried. It's the best ending I ever read! It's filled with emotions that you can't describe, you just can't. You should be proub of it, you managed , in twelfe chapter, to make me feel disgusted, aroused, interested, happy (laughing included), angry (just slightly), sad, desperate and at the end, incredibly depressed, impressed and with the firm idea that this is a wonderful fiction! You have the gift of bearing emotions in other people with the simple thing of writing! It's incredible, how you manged to put so many feelings, emotions, impressions and, dare I say, pictures in our heads, in the progress of the story. I congratulate on the original idea, on the short and yet long fiction (since it's short from length, but incredibly long from reading induced emotions), on the way of writing, on the incredible job you did at describing things, like after-death-life, without reading too much into it and giving us one hell of an ending (especially as we don't really know what happened to harry and because Draco really did go insane). But, As I already said up there, really at the beginning, the idea of dead Draco and Live Harry together disgusted me, and still, it captivated me at the same time.
    The ending of course, I should say, that that one frase at the end, where you just know draco's insane and that you say that Harry, once again, albait uncounsciously, beat Draco in his own game, was... well, I think that was what shocked me the most, then Harry, in the end did that, what caused Draco to commit suicide.
    I Loved it, congratulations on it!
    (I never wrote such a lengthy review!)
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  • From ANON - Trisha on November 18, 2005
    Whoah. Waste of time. Shitty ending.
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  • From ANON - niamh on September 04, 2005
    sry for the last reveiw, it was a good story, but its so freaking depressing, and i have a huge fear of shit like that ever happening to me, so im not to good w/stuff like that =/

    could you, maybe, write an alternate ending where harry comes bak as a ghost? pretty please? if u dont im gonna have this story as a dream for a long time. [trust me, its happened before] i need to hear a happier ending!please! even if u just email it to me or somthing. my email ->
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  • From ANON - niamh on September 04, 2005

    it was beautiful, u fucking ruined it!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on March 03, 2005
    Oh wow! Harry killed himself. Was it to get away from Draco or to be with him but it didn't happen? Couldn't Draco will himself to go on? Oh how sad!
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 20, 2005
    BOO!!! I didn't like that!! BOO! It's actually quite SICK how I thought nec. was hot. lol. Is it possible that you might write another "ending" but not like... adding it to.. never mind! lol I just wanted to see some hot nec lovin.
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  • From ANON - ura on February 08, 2005
    Interesting story. Very original. The end is weird. You never explained why Harry's ghost had never come out.
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  • From ANON - War-chan on January 24, 2005
    Oh, I do so love a sad ending! *covers ears so Tib-chan's overly loud vioce does not make them bleed!* OWww...Tib-chan wont stop hitting me!

    Tib-chan~ YOU MEAN PERSON!!! I wanted a HAPPY ending! Whhhhaaaaaaa!!!!! War-chan! Make the mean person write a 2nd ending! *hits War-chan over head* NOW!!!!

    Ahhh! Ok! Ok! Please write a 2nd ending for thouse who don't like a (very good I might add) sad ending. PLEASE BEFORE I NEED TO SEE THE DOC. BECAUSE OF HEAD TRAMA!!!!!!! OW! STOP IT TIB-CHAN! I ASKED ALREADY!!!

    Tib-chan~War-chans so nice to me! ^__^

    *huff* Ja ne

    Tib-chan~ OH WOOORRR-CHAAANNN!!!

    O.O; help....
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  • From ANON - Puppyslut on January 16, 2005
    There was supposed to be ghost-shagging and Torture by Apparitions in love and all sorts of wonderful shag-centers.
    It was such an original idea, and now I'm left with a noooooooo feeling, and a lonely Draco to mourn.
    Damn you!
    Tempt us with the suggestion of the witty teasings of the undead, and pull them back with a disarming and very unexpected, but well written ending!

    Wah. x.x; I wanted unintelligent smut.

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