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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - JJ on May 06, 2005
    "Our little boy is growing up." What a line! I wanted to cry when Snape had to turn Draco down and cheered when he decided to go for Harry. More please? The greasy old git is turning out to be a nice guy. Who'd have thunk it?
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 06, 2005
    "Draco smirked, shovelling his messy breakfast into his mouth.
    “What’s his problem?”
    Severus grinned, taking a sip of his coffee.
    “First hangover.”
    “Our little boy is growing up.”"

    LOL. I love the way Draco and Sev are interacting too. Poor Harry...
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  • From ANON - violet eyes on May 05, 2005
    aww... sev is so cute in your story!!! i can't wait to read more!!! update update update!!!!
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  • From ANON - YamiKeishi on May 05, 2005
    Thats adorable!!
    Can't wait for you to keep going!
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  • From ANON - Kat on May 05, 2005
    I just have to say it I adore Draco in this fic, he is so funny, and oh I love how tender Sev is to our poor Harry. I'm glad he's going to go slow, so sweet. Can't wait for more.


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  • From foxracerchick129 on May 05, 2005
    Aww, lol that was so cute! I love the interactions between the three of them, their adorable together. I love it!

    *gives you loads of chocolate frogs and sugar quills for you and your muse *

    Love it, please continue soon - Jessica
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  • From ANON - icestar on May 05, 2005
    dracos EBIL! but that was rather amusing. snapes devious too.

    lovely chapter ^_^ :thumbs up:
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on May 04, 2005
    First off, I have to admit, when I read
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  • From ANON - AyanEva on May 04, 2005
    BWAAAHHHH! You can't just end it right there with the bed scene!!! I hope Harry doesn't have a fit or something. :-( Ignore the bad reviews people gave you, I LOVE this story! That little recurring list of Severus' is genius. The strike-outs are way too cute! Great finish it!! I'm goin' crazy here. :-( :-D I'm glad you're not rushing the smut, but I'm sooo dying to get to it. And Draco is precious! FINISH FINISH FINISH FINISH FINISH!!! *throws tantrum, begs on knees* I'll give you chocolate??!!
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  • From ANON - amanda on May 04, 2005
    update soon
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  • From ANON - antipyro on May 02, 2005
    What a cliffhangar!!!!!? ARGHHHHH!!!!

    Oh I've missed this story, it's soooo sweet. It's like nothing else could ever go wrong with Harry.....RIGHT???

    Please continue this lovely and delicious chapter and remember, no CLIFFIES!

    Please and thank you.
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  • From ANON - Joey on May 02, 2005
    ow OW, ver hott
    update please please please NOW ^^
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  • From ANON - miku on May 01, 2005
    *shakes head at severus* if i woke up to someone doing that i'd be mortified! please get another chapter up soon i like this story!
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  • From ANON - Angel on May 01, 2005
    Sexy naked sex scene now! You know what I mean you devil you! Love you sexy!
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  • From ANON - mysticsong on May 01, 2005
    Whoopsie for Severus! Quite funny though. Well written. Been reading parts of your dialogue out to my best friend over bursts of laughter. Can't wait to read more!
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