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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Anon on April 28, 2005
    As interesting as sex may be, I think it's too early. I vote for cute (and funny) accidental cuddling. (Maybe with erections). LMAO
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  • From foxracerchick129 on April 28, 2005
    Cute accidental cuddling definitaly! I love when that happens. Great chapter!

    Loved it! - Jessica
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  • From ANON - YamiKeishi on April 25, 2005
    Heezo, hun!
    Pretty spiffy fic ya got runn' here!
    I have to admit, I've had an almost uncontrolable urge to re-beta it from the start, because even though my understanding is that Lenny beta'd it first, I still have a twitchy hand and my tablet pen starts scribbling across the monitor *snerk*
    It's funny, because I didn't have any idea that this was what your story was about when I mentioned abused!Harry and Angst!Comfort!Snape in our current fic :D
    I laughed when I immediatly recognized the little LOTR ref a few chapters back. Funny thing is, thats a fairly long song, too! ^0^ I love how Draco sang it all !
    And I also noticed how you like to, erm, how to I say this...? Cliffhanger the dirty parts? That is, you do the dotdotdot thing ^ ^
    As you must've realized, I have a tendency to write all the lovely gross details:

    "Verson smirked down at the image of a sullyed Harry Potter.
    'Funny,' he laughed in a voice that sounded much more like a bark, ' How you're reduced to nothing when stripped of all your precious magic...'
    Harry glanced pleadingly up at his uncle, but the man merely thrust harder and Harry felt his head bounce ungracefully against the wall and tears sprang to his eyes. He squeezed his eyes tight to hide the tears but they began to drop like heavy dew. As he tried not to grimace, he felt the pain build up in his cheeks and his lips, red, wet, and bruised, slackened.
    With a sharp nudge, Harry was able to control the reflex out of fear..."

    Whoo! I can't wait to continue writing that story! I promise I'll get on it as soon as I've got some time!
    Well, off to go finish my Biology Trace Movement stuffs. Can't wait to read more!!


    "I love you too kids, now get off..."

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  • From ANON - miststalker on April 23, 2005
    WAHOO!!! I love it! Can I vote for cute cuddling closely followed by hot steamy sex? Thus I can have the best of both worlds. You had a few grammatical errors that should be changed, (maybe from the crash?) Anyway write more soon.
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  • From ANON - padfoot on April 22, 2005
    drunken sex, baby!
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  • From FairyPoet on April 22, 2005
    accidental cuddeling.

    I dont think Harry would be in a mental state to want or appreciate sex at this point in his life. Sexual abuse can and does mess people up for the rest of there lives. Harry needs to heal, before he can love physically, and Snape needs to be patient and nurture him. Snape has been in that situation before, so he should understand and be willing to help Harry.

    I was surprised at how clueless...or ignorant you made Snape. (not that its a bad thing, but im used to him being the insufferable know it all, and arrogant.) Having Draco order him about was diffrent. *giggles*

    Also, YAAA! Drusley got his wang chopped off! He bloody well deserved that! Fucking fucker! (abusers suck and deserve to die!!!)
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 21, 2005
    Sex of coure would be the logical choice.
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on April 20, 2005

    Lol. And maybe a tiny tiny bit of the accidental cuddling crap... I'm mean... stuff. All of my fics turn into PWP's because my muse is a nympho.
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  • From ANON - Kat on April 20, 2005
    LOL Draco is my new hero, yay Draco. I vote for going slow, with some cuddling, you know they fall asleep and wake up in each others arms kind of thing and then...... bugger going slow, they kiss and then mmm I guess it's up to you though cos whatever you write I'll love it.


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  • From ANON - icestar on April 20, 2005
    :falls out of chair because she is laughing to hard: ah my god! the lists! the lists! :claw her way back onto chair, then falls over again:

    :wipes away tears: ahem, sorry. very nice story. quite humourous, and draco is being very, very evil. :sniggers: now all they need is some good blackmail material...

    anyways, about the spelling, it isnt that noticeable to me. :shrugs: no bad grammer or anything interrupting the flow of the story, though that is my opinion...

    hope to see more of this soon ^_^
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  • From ANON - Ditzy on April 20, 2005
    Cute accidental cuddling please. Love the story.
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  • From ANON - HelBee on April 20, 2005
    I've just sat down and read the first 26 chapters and then skimmed your reviews. I can say that your writing has improved as you've gone on and that although Snape is a bit OCC and least he's being consistent... that is a good thing ;-).
    Don't let unfavourable reviews put you down, true the chapters are short but would people prefer a longer chapter or fewer updates? I don't really mind but than again I did save it all up for one big read! I can't critise for shortness I don't write FanFiciton much longer than 3000 words total :-)
    Continuing to write is the only way to improve grammar/spelling. Try writing in word and turning on the spell check/grammar check as you go. I know it's annoying but it will pick up most of the problems as you go along making the post-editing easier.
    I don't think you should rush Harry and Sev into sex, you've set them both up to have a lot of issues around sex so it would be more realistic if they take it easy - although maybe not the popular vote.
    One last thing, about oreo cookies. Sev is a Brit, (just like me) and we don't tend to eat oreo cookies. A good equivalent brit bickie is the bourbon cream, similar to the oreo but a rectangle and the cream in the middle is chocolate. And they are a lot nice in my opinion... Hel Bee offers a packet... hmmm nice... just a Brit Pick nothing serious *smirk*
    I'll keep an eye out for your updates and look forward to them.

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  • From ANON - ella on April 20, 2005
    cute accidental cuddling followed by sex in the morning (or atleast some form of smut) when both are sober, pwetty pwetty pwease :-) btw i love your fic, update soon please, huggles and candy ella xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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  • From ANON - pinktarg on April 20, 2005
    Even though I'm all for the sex, I'm going to have to vote for cuddling. It seems a little sudden for Harry to trust anyone sexually without first trusting them to not hurt him when they are intimate in even a non-sexual way. Considering that he has little experience in being touched in a non-abusive, non-sexual manner, it seems the next step would be for him to learn physical intimacy that does not involve sex or violence.
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  • From ANON - Ima on April 19, 2005
    SEX SEX SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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