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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on April 07, 2005
    *laughs insanely* That was great! ^^ Truth Serum....ah,classic. ^^ And Draco's "dare" was so great. XD I've actually dared someone to do the same exact thing. ^^
    I love coniving!Draco. ^^

    Wheee! *dances with you singing the "I love eggs" song*

    So did you enjoy the movie?! ^___^
    (Psst,be wary of movie popcorn. >_> The movie theater around here have rats in the popcorn machine....>_
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  • From ANON - Shadowcat on April 07, 2005
    I can't wait for the next chapter and their reactions it;s going to be hilareous.(sorry can't spell)
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  • From ANON - Angel on April 07, 2005
    I'm not going to say that this is sooo out of character because I think you know that ... but here is the surprise; I still like it. I find it amusing that the two boys would actually pull something like this off. Where is Snapes wand when he needs it, and I don't mean the one in his pants although it's probably just as hard right now

    *huggles and kisses*

    You inspire me to write more
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  • From ANON - Mikhyel on April 07, 2005
    Well, I just read what there is of this story in one sitting, and it's been fun! I like it. Not-evil!Draco is a Good Thing. And anyone that's been flaming you is an arse. Your spelling's not great, but it's not bad enough to interfere with the enjoyment and flow of the story, either. Therefore, flamers suck and are stupid.
    Anyway, yay! *sends you puppies and cookies and ribbons and happy things, only not kitties cuz then I wouldn't have any and I'd be sad* >^_^
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  • From ANON - pinktarg on April 06, 2005
    You're welcome. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a light-hearted, funny chapter. I absolutely adored it. I also think that your decision to end the repetition of Severus' list in its entirety each chapter was a good decision. Anyone reading your story at this point will be well acquainted with the previous lists.

    Also, please don't be too impressed with English Professors as a whole reading fan fiction. There are many more of us reading fan fiction than you can possibly imagine. We have a tendency to be a very eccentric, quirky bunch in spite of the apparent staunchness. We do love a bawdy tale ...think of Falstaff in "Henry IV." My specialty happens to be Chaucerian literature, and not, as some would think, for the grand literary value, but for the sheer joy of a bawdy, robust tale with multi-layered innuendo. I conjecture that a great many of the writers, and readers, of fan fiction are university students who may end up choosing academia as a profession, especially students of the humanities.

    Keep up the good work and remember to enjoy what you're doing, otherwise, it's not worth doing.

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  • From ANON - JJ on April 06, 2005
    So what if your chapters are short. The story is good. I look forward to reading more. Can Harry have a happy ending? So often lately, I've read of him having a long/short VERY LOUSY life. I'm adding you to my MUST READ catagory. Keep up the great work.
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  • From ANON - Kat on March 29, 2005
    Hee hee hee, love it, Draco teasing poor Sev, too funny. And oh poor Sev, you're not a bad bad man. Loved it, and keep up the great work, I think you are doing a wonderful job.


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  • From ANON - Crystal on March 28, 2005
    *giggle* "I'm a bad bad man" How cute! Lol. He is a bad bad man...I wish he were MY bad bad man...I'd make him do bad things....bad but oh so good...*ahem* Sorry got carried away.

    Um...yes it's short, but thats ok. I like it anyway. Draco is such a ponce/drama queen. Lol. Great job. Keep it up *wink*

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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on March 27, 2005
    Awww *huggles* Don't be in a bad mood! :(
    OMG! The Inuyasha movie?! *hyperventilates* Which one?!

    Heh heh. ^^ Yup,I'm a cookie person.
    :( Yes,I wan't someone to share my cookies with too. But for now,we can share imaginary ones with each other! XD *hands you the icing half of her oreo*

    I loved the "I'm a bad bad man" part at the end. ^^ I started laughing so hard,because I got an image of a sulking Sev in my head. XD

    Oh Yeah! HAPPY EASTER!!!!! *glomps you and gives you some Peeps*

    Please update soon! And tell me if the movie was good!! ^^
    Love ya too! ~ Ru-Shin

    P.S. Lookit! --->
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  • From ANON - Angel on March 27, 2005
    "14. I ...seem to have feelings for him..maybe..kinda....I'm a bad bad man."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *breaks down on the floor in giggle-fits* Poor Severus, he kinda... maybe likes Harry *yay!*

    Don't be in a bad mood sweety, you know I like you! *huggles until she gets in a good mood again*

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  • From ANON - jess on March 27, 2005
    i like it whenever i check theres like 2 or 3 new chaps and it's a really good story so that makes me happy will you explane how draco knew what to do (i like him) and why he's so into snape and harry getting together when he hates harry and loves snape?
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  • From ANON - Lady Allylandra on March 26, 2005
    hey just a note to say i do like your story the plot is excellent and i really can't wait to find out what happens next... unfortunitly there is a but here. BUT i think that the repition of the list during every chapter is a bit much especially when nothing has changed in it and i think for the viewing public the chapters should be just so slightly longer so we can really get into the meaty stuff. other than that your story is excellent and i hope to read more soon.
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 25, 2005
    I love the last one on the like list! it cracks me up to think of Sev saying that lol
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  • From ANON - pinktarg on March 25, 2005
    Two spelling corrections from my earlier review for those who may have noticed and might wish to point out spelling errors.

    1. recieve - corrected to receive
    2. critisism - corrected to criticism
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  • From ANON - pinktarg on March 25, 2005

    Please don't take unconstructive criticism to heart. I'm an Associate Professor of British Literature and an unrelenting taskmaster when it comes to spelling and grammar and am enjoying your story very, very much. If one of my students turned in a paper with misspelled words and/or grammatical errors, I would reduce their grade accordingly. However, this is not a class. I would assume the writing of fan fiction is done for fun. An added bonus is that some very good writers get the opportunity to broaden their experience and recieve what should be constructive critisism in order to improve their craft. In return, the fan fiction audience is provided with hours of entertainment free of charge.

    Those who unfairly criticize the writers of fan fiction should realize that professional, published writers are seldom good grammarians. In fact, most rely heavily on book editors to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes as well as provide unbiased feed back as to plot, characterization, etc. In the world of fan fiction, this role is filled by the volunteer beta reader. I would like to challenge reviewers who feel the need to post unfavorable, unconstructive criticism, to volunteer as a beta readers. If the spelling and grammatical errors present in a story are unacceptable to you and you still feel the desire to read said story, perhaps you can offer your services as the story's beta reader and help the writer to correct the mistakes. Please keep in mind that good criticism is helpful, not hateful and hurtful.

    Please keep up the good work. I am looking forward to your next update and the continuation of your imaginative story.

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