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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on March 22, 2005
    O_O Whoo! ^^ I've never been anyone's god before! ^__^ *gives you a great-big-huggalaglomp*

    OH! I love that song! ^____^ *starts humming,much to the annoyence to her mother*

    Heeheehee...XD I find it very funny that Draco handled that situation better than Sev. XD

    V_V But, I'm upset that Sev hit Harry...poor Harry. *cuddles*

    Yet another great chappie! ^^ You always brighten up my days! *shoves Harry to the side and cuddles you instead*

    Hmmm...what to give you....*looks down at her dinner*...fishstick? *hands you one* OH! And brownies for dessert! =^-^=
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  • From ANON - magsfriend on March 22, 2005
    You have some good story ideas (a little heavy on the angst for my taste, but that's okay, since you did warn everyone up front on what to expect). However, you really need to find a beta who will check for grammer and spelling mistakes before you post any more stories. It's difficult for me to stay emotionally involved in a story when major spelling errors distract my attention so easily. Anyway, good luck, and keep writing!
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on March 19, 2005
    ^^ Yup! Love and puppies! Or kittens if you perfer! *hands you a kitten* ^____^
    *lots of imaginary hearts floating around everywhere* I feel loved! *sniffle*
    I'm so happy you updated,even if it was short. ^^
    *digs around in her treat bag* Hmm....I'm out of cookies! *searches some more* AHA! ^^ Even better! *hands you some almond fudge flavored pockey*

    DRACO'S HERE!!! *dances* Yay! ^-^ Mwaahaha! I can't wait to read about them arguing. But hopefully they will start to get along,and become friends sooner or later. Until then *pulls up a chair and some popcorn* I'll enjoy watching them hate each other. ^^

    Heeheehee...I think we all realized before he did that Sev enjoys pissing Harry off. ^^
    Ha! As if he's one to talk about the whole 'snooping' thing! But I am curious...How did Harry know?

    *sees you running around singing "Sevy thinks Harry's hot" and joins in*

    *glomps you and fills your pockets with pocky and gummy bears*

    Update soon! ^__^
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  • From ANON - harryhollow on March 19, 2005
    please update soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - padfoot! on March 19, 2005
    Absolutely grand, sir! I'm glad there was a 'spur of the moment update'. Can't wait for more! You deserve a lifetime supply of french vanilla icecream.

    -your padfoot
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  • From ANON - Angel on March 19, 2005
    Yay quick updates, me like! *relishes in snarky Snape* You know I love you right
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  • From ANON - Angel on March 18, 2005
    Weiiii an update! I'm thrilled! Longer chapters, more I want MORE! *smiles* Sorry...

    Give me some loving and give me some sex
    and you will be the very best!
    GoooooOOOO seekersplayrough!!!

    Just for you *smiles and huggles*
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on March 17, 2005
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! *super tackle-glomp* *lots of non-existent heart emoticons here*
    You updated! ^-^ *gives you a cookie*

    Whee! Draco's coming soon! ^^
    Aw,poor Harry. He has to sleep on the couch. V_V That sucks. I slept on the sofa for 13 years of my life. Now he will have NO privacy!! O_O *gaspeth* damned scanner still insists on rebeling against me...and I'm starting to think that my computer is begining to be swayed by it's sweet-nothings .... >_
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  • From ANON - jess on March 17, 2005
    that was a depressingly short chapter
    moore how will draco react to finding out harry is not only staying at hogwarts but with snape aswell?
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  • From ANON - Kat on March 17, 2005
    Yay more story. And I like that the 'attractive' on the list has become more than a question, now a confirmed fact. Sev is however being very mean, making poor Harry move out of his room, aww. Can't wait til Draco finds out that his time won't be 'Potter-less' lol. Can't wait for more.


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  • From ANON - Luna Riddle on March 12, 2005
    all i can say is, after reading the parts from little harry's journal that i'm glad he's castrated! it's it funny to see how snape is trying to figure him out :D
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  • From ANON - Keiko on March 01, 2005
    *waugh* poor harry *kills Vernon*
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  • From ANON - PirateDucky (too lazy to sign in) on February 24, 2005
    Very good still! I love it and hope you update soon!
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  • From on February 24, 2005
    Love it!
    Update please!
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  • From ANON - padfoot on February 23, 2005
    lovely and sad... V_V
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