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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - NobisSolomNon on February 23, 2005
    Update quickly, it's getting interesting.
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  • From ANON - Kat on February 23, 2005
    Oh those diary entries are heart breaking. They literally bring tears to my eyes, such a sweet little kid and so much badness around him, makes me want to take up arms or something. Still loving the lists and the all encompassing 'EVERYTHING' and 'NOTHING' are hilarious. Poor Snape, so confused. Hope he sees the light after reading the diaries and oh how naughty and intrusive he is lol.


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  • From ANON - Angel on February 23, 2005
    Yay Snarly Snape! Love the Diary! And the list was fab! But I'm curious how Snape reacts to everything. AND I would like to point out that I belive Snarly Snape can fall in love with Harry... he doesn't have to stop all the snarlyness in him. His so cute when he try to be all angry but he's actually in love! *smiles* I imagine him kissing Harry right after he wispered that he hates him.
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on February 23, 2005
    Chapter 16: *reads Sev's "hate and like" lists* Pfft. Denial! XD

    Chapter 17: Hah! Hipocrite! XD Hmmm...what was he looking for in the first place? Heehee...I can just imagine little Harry's voice.I bet he was a cute little kid. ^^

    Chapter 18: Aw,T-T poor little least he got a popsicle,I guess....Ah! I used to spell six that way! XD AWW! Poor Harry! T-T *huggles him* Love doesn't hurt! He's just a bastard! T-T Tsk...I have to keep reminding myself that Vernon was already punished...(not that he couldn't use a little more torturing. ^^ ) But Will....*blazing eyes* I hope Sev beats the Hell out 'im!

    Great chappies! ^^ Update soon!!!!

    P.S.-Oops! Almost forgot! Bad Sevy,Bad! Your invading Harry's privacy! *cough* Okay. ^^ I'm done. Ah,well. Maybe he'll start to understand him better now!!! ^___^
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  • From ANON - NobisSolomNon on February 22, 2005
    good fic. Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - NancyR on February 20, 2005
    You really need to spell check this -- several things in here aren't even words. I'm sure this story will be good, but it would be better if you checked it over with a spelling program first.
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  • From ANON - cdkobasiuk on February 20, 2005
    YOur story is isnteresting in the way you write SNape.

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  • From ANON - Kat on February 20, 2005
    I love that the lists are getting longer and there is civility over breakfast. Too cute. I love the direction you are taking this, and those lists make me laugh every time.

    Great job.


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  • From ANON - MarsW on February 20, 2005
    Hello there! I'm reading your fic with hunger! I need more of it! I love the way you write ^^
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  • From ANON - Angel on February 19, 2005

    Nice, two chappies but I haven't been in here for a wile so that could explain it. I like the list but were is the mean evil Snape? And I don't like "poor abused Draco, he really is a good guy" so I hope that is not were this story is going. I want surly Snape and shy harry in bed, NOW! Give me what I want or you shall.... *thinks of something horrible* dream f
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on February 18, 2005
    Fly Faster, Shade! We need another new chapter!
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  • From ANON - ice owl on February 18, 2005
    That last chapter was absolute crap. You can do better than that drunk off your butt and with your eyes blindfolded while uploading.
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  • From ANON - Velvetina on February 18, 2005
    Oh I hope you don't think that i was whining about the short chappies...well i was but its only because I love this fic. It truely keeps me amused...I LOVE IT! hehe anyways I can't wait to see if Draco goes, it could become even more amusing mwahaha...and the growing list keeps me wondering whats going to happen next
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  • From ANON - Moi on February 17, 2005
    I never thought of Snape as an anal-retentive list maker, but I like it! His lists are hysterical. "Must spite." LOL!
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on February 17, 2005
    HAH! *points* They're starting to get along better! ^^ *does a happy dance* And he addmited that he found him attractive! Whee! ^^

    T-T I hope Draco answers Sev's letter soon...

    Hmmm...I wonder why Dumbledore never knocks? XD

    Update soon! ^^

    *mumbles about her bastard scanner* It stopped printing now as well....-_- *clings to scanner* WHY!? WHY DO YOU HATE ME!?! *burst into tears*

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