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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Velvetina on February 13, 2005
    Very short again! *sob* write longer chappies please, i love this story and wanna know what happens Snape likes Harry cos of Lily...interesting development lol
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  • From ANON - Moi on February 13, 2005
    Allow me to mention that Voldemort didn't kill Cedric Diggory directly. He ordered Wormtail to do it (p.638 GOF US edition), hence the quote, "Kill the spare." Avada Kedavra was spoken by a second voice. Harry wouldn't have felt pain other than the proximity of Voldemort, because it wasn't Voldemort doing the cursing.

    Otherwise, I like Snape's list. It's anal and a little puerile, but we all know Sev's not all that emotionally mature, so it isn't out of character. Short, but a good chapter.
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  • From ANON - Kat on February 12, 2005
    I so love you. This fic rocks, I just love it, it makes me smile and it makes me laugh and it makes me go aww. I'm sorry that Draco was suffering. I'm glad that Sev in all his crazy logical glory is fixing stupid broken Potter. I love that his hate list has grown, and yet there is also a like list. I love it. Can't wait for more. Hugs

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  • From ANON - Juushika on February 12, 2005
    aww, he added a like list. Sure, it's shorter then the hate list, but shhh. At least there is one. I look forward to see how the like and hate lists change over time. *pokes fingers together* Also interested in how you will get them together. I have my theories, but they're probably wrong. *grin*
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on February 12, 2005
    Heh heh heh...I get a kick out of his "Reasons I hate Potter" list. XD #14-short...*falls over laughing*
    *sigh* It really shouldn't amuse me that much...XD Oh,well. *starts laughing again*
    Hmmm...I kinda figured the fact that Harry's a parsletongue would give him a little boost on Sev's 'Like' list. ^^

    T-T Oh no! Draco! Draco's my fav HP character...then Sev,then Harry. But Snarry is my fav slash. XD
    T-T I hope Draco's okay...

    Another good chappie. ^^

    (P.S. I was looking at my pic of Sev and teh bunny,and he's not really petting the bunny...he's more or less just holding it because I couldn't the version of him petting the bunny to look right...>_< *whacks scanner* WORK! YOU FOUL EXCUSE FOR MACHINERY!!! )
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  • From ANON - Kat on February 11, 2005
    LMAO, I love the list so much. Stupid Potter.... that cracked me up. I love the way Severus is approaching this 'problem' in his usual logical way, I can't til he finds out he can't do that with people. This was great, I am so hanging out for more.

    Big hugs

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  • From ANON - kitty kat keiko on February 11, 2005
    wow...thats like amazing. i cant wait for the next chappie! i love emotion snape!! whens the heart 2 heart? =^-^=
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  • From ANON - Juushika on February 11, 2005
    *rolls eyes at Severus* Oh, his reasons for hating Harry are so petty and childish. I mean, it sort of seems reasonable, but then he writes it down... and his reasoning falls all to piecies. Once again, your chapter has mae me giggle unstabley; "Shut up, Potter." *sigh* Good times. :D
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  • From ANON - Velvetina on February 11, 2005
    Still short but the list at the end was truly amusing! Loved it totally! Post quickly
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on February 11, 2005
    V_V *sigh* My scanner's still not working,so you'll have to wait a little longer for the pic...

    Heh heh heh...looks like he had to really think hard for the tenth reason. XD Messy hair...XD
    Eh......I read a disurbing Voldemort/Lucius fic yesterday....and when I read that Voldie was staying at Malfoy manor...bad images went through my mind. O_O

    Great chapter!

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  • From ANON - Angel on February 11, 2005
    HAHAHAHAhahahahahahah!!!!!! *LOL* I love this Snape, his so ... Snapeish and still wierd in wonderful ways! I can SO se him writing that note about hating Harry! Lovely Lovely! *rubbing her hands together* As always I want more, so much more!
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  • From ANON - Juushika on February 08, 2005
    *titters* The image of Snape locking himself in his room like a pissed-off teenager amuses me greatly. And, I don't care what Severus may say, if there is ANY amount of cockroaches in a potion it's ruined. Those do not belong in anything that is meant to be consumed. *suddertwitch* ... *hands you cookies*
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  • From ANON - Jen on February 07, 2005
    Great story so far, update soon.
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  • From ANON - Velvetina on February 07, 2005
    Update! Make chappies longer! I love it! I wish i'd found it before! Update really really soon! I love Snape!! hehe
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  • From ANON - Angel on February 06, 2005
    Hehehehe Poor Sevvie and Poor Harry, now when we covered that we can get them laid, right? What do you mean not yet? *sobbing* I really like the screaming part of it "AAAHHHH! *giggles*

    AAAHHHH I didn't even noticed that! My name in the titel of the chapter! *victory-dance around the room* I'm the greatest! yeah! Well... uhm... you are the greatest but I'm a really close second *nods*

    *huggles so much*
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