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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on February 06, 2005
    ^^ Yup,I did draw him petting a bunny. And as soon as I get my stupid scanner to work,I'll email it to you so that you can see. XD

    Heeheehee...I loved their screaming sesion. XD And I find BWL very intresting...makes him sound like a sandwich. O.o

    ^^ Short chapie,but still good. I hope you post more soon. ^__^
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  • From ANON - Kat on February 06, 2005
    LMAO. Poor Snape, ruining his potions and avoiding the hated boy. I love the build up you've got going on. Hopefully Snape will stop avoiding poor Harry soon. Hoping for more soon. Hugs Kat
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  • From ANON - eve/roarke on February 06, 2005
    I really like this fanfic, enjoying the comedy etc., but come on if the chapters get any shorter, your thank yous to the viewers
    will overtake the story. Please update with longer chapters.
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  • From ANON - Angel on February 04, 2005

    "Merlin, Ala, Budha, anyone, get rid of this, and I promise I'll...hug children, and bunnies, and...oh god, not Potter! Please." !!!!!!!!!!! How do you ever come up with these wonderful things? I love you! Have I told you that? Even if I have it
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  • From ANON - Juushika on February 04, 2005
    eheh, missed quite a few chapters, there. Well, anyhoo, I got all excited when I saw that you updated, and then you put the image of a nude Hagrid into my mind, so I'm going to have to put a voodoo curse on you, or something. And I was so dissapointed, Severus saw Harry in the buff, but didn't notice the definition scars*sniffle hiccup*. Ah well, at least he saw him naked. :D Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on February 03, 2005
    Chapter 11: Ahhh...yep. I can see Sev having one of those for some odd reason...O_o
    Five things in an hour? Wow..almost up to par with my record of 4 in 30 minutes...*realizes what she just said* Er...nevermind.You didn't hear that. I'm NOT clutz. Nope. Not me. *nods*

    Chapter 12: Whoo! XD Sev got hard over Harry! One step further in Okay. Now I have a huge urge to go draw Sev petting a bunny...or attempt to anyways. ^^ Bye!

    I hope you update soon! *insert the non-existent heart emoticon here*
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  • From ANON - padfoot on February 03, 2005
    hello, sir.

    this is the greatest chapter yet. i couldn't stop laughing. keep up the good work! and remember, i'll help you beta. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Krystal925 on February 03, 2005
    LOL! Poor Sev! cant wait for more! :D
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  • From ANON - Cherry43 on February 02, 2005
    hehehe, splendid chapter. Sevvie really IS a perverted old man! ^_^' ...but not too old to put him with little Harry, anyway!
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  • From ANON - shiraga on February 02, 2005
    hehe! that was a nice finale for this 12th chapter!
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  • From ANON - Kat on February 02, 2005
    Love this lots. The last two chapters were laugh out loud funny in places, too excellent. I love Dumbledore in all his meddliness. And Snape is being so very Snape, you've captured him perfectly. Doing a fantastic job, thanks for sharing your fic.


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  • From ANON - FW on February 02, 2005
    Ahahahaha, poor, poor, Snape! Getting caught doing that! Glad you updated, loving this story so far!
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  • From ANON - Angel on February 02, 2005
    Hey it's me again, did you miss me? *lol*

    Loving this but I want longer chapters (which means I'm a total hypocrite again) This is the best Snape in forever!

    You even mentioned me! In the review-answer! Yay! *smile*

    *huggles alot*
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  • From ANON - Rebecca on February 02, 2005
    Your story isn't very well written. Get a beta reader.
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  • From ANON - padfoot! on February 01, 2005
    ooh, i can't wait to see what happens!

    . . . *laughs insanely at the last bit*
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