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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Kat on January 31, 2005
    Yay, Harry is rescued, loved how Severus did it and how vicious he was, oh yeah Vernon deserves it all. Poor Harry, I can't wait to see the bonding that is hopefully going to happen soon. Mm Severus comforting poor Harry, oh yeah. Loving it. Hugs

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  • From ANON - freewater on January 30, 2005
    i like this story so far, Because i looove angst! And this story is full of it! Poor Harry having to go through all that, and now Snape's mad at him >< Hope you can update soon, i like where this is heading!
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on January 30, 2005
    ^__^ YAY! Vernon deserved that BIG time! Heeheehee...I'm very curious as to what harry broke...XD Hopefully Sev can mend it with the 'repario' thingy. Can't wait to read more. You should make the chapters longer though. :(
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  • From ANON - never_tempt on January 30, 2005
    Have to love the "oops". The beginning of the endurance test for Snape, poor baby. Would like to see more.
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  • From ANON - Angel on January 30, 2005
    (hope you understood the ironi in my 'hate' of Snarly Snape *lol*)
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  • From ANON - Angel on January 30, 2005
    I laughed so hard when I read this! It truly is a work of art! Wonderful! Wow! *can't come up with any more great words for it*

    "Pish Posh." Dumble waved the comment away. I'm sure you'll get along splendedly."
    10 min. later
    "POTTER!!!! THAT WAS 5000 YEARS OLD!!!!"

    And when you say it like that I have to comment again so I get to read even more soon *smile* I hate snarly Snape!

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  • From ANON - Julia on January 30, 2005
    heheheehehehe pish posh....... heheheeheheheh pesh on you for not having more out....... i don't care if you've been good with the updating..... JULIA NEEDDS MORE...... hehehehehe pish posh....
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  • From ANON - Angel on January 30, 2005
    Well.... I... I know how it is to have a life and get begged to write more but when you're reading you... well you know ;) Sorry about that. I really like this story and I just hate when people start a really good story and then don't finish it. But I love you for updating! I was so happy and the evil smile on my lips when I read the chapter was wonderful. You GO Sevvie! *huggles*
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 30, 2005
    Very interesting..... interesting take on an abuse fic. I like this story a lot. I think the only thing is that Snape might have figured out what Vernon meant fairly quickly. But maybe not, especially if he already had preconceived notions about Harry's life. So I guess that isn't really out of character at all... hmm, now you're made me think =)
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  • From ANON - Moony\'s Girl on January 29, 2005
    This is great please please please write more!
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  • From ANON - padfoot! on January 29, 2005
    *cackles evilly* that's what he gets, the sick bastard!!!! yay!!!! moremoremore!
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  • From ANON - Julia on January 28, 2005
    DAMN YOU!!! MORE! MORE! MORE! pwease... I really do love it. poor harry, and i just want to kick sev in the arse.
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  • From ANON - tres on January 20, 2005
    What are you waiting for to update??? Why leave us hanging? Update soon, damnit!!!
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  • From ANON - Angel on January 18, 2005
    Please continue this story *begs on her knees*
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  • From ANON - Kat on January 17, 2005
    Oh my god, what a place to leave it. My heart is bleeding for poor Harry, when will Snape rescue him, soon? Please let it be soon. I can't wait til he's rescued. I have to admit to gasping out loud at the way you just ended that last chapter, Snape was so cruel, and yet I felt sorry for him, this is intriguing, I can't wait to learn more about his past as well.

    More soon please?


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