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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Angel on January 13, 2005
    I officially hate you again! A cliffhanger??? How rude! *feels deeply offended* So write more NOW! *demand* (please, pretty please?)

    Snape with an Irish accent?? *wipes the drool off the keyboard*

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  • From ANON - phantomcomplex on January 13, 2005
    Oh holy hell! I've just got one thing to say about this: your chapter are far too short! Just when I'm cozying up for a good long read, it just stops! Kay, maybe two things, because I've got to add that this story is just fantastic. Awesome job! *gets on knees* Please write more soon! I will love you forever and ever and ever!
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  • From ANON - Juushika on January 13, 2005
    "Because you. are the the only .spy." This sent me into giggling fits. Maybe it's all the sugar and caffeine I just had, but I found that absolutely hilarious. Jesusfuck it
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  • From ANON - Ruth on January 13, 2005
    aawww....poor Harryy.. :(
    i want Sev to hurry up and find out that Harry is being abused...then we can see some Harry/Sev mushyness... ;)
    cant wait for the next chapter!

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  • From ANON - Angel on January 13, 2005
    I LOVE YOU! You updated! I still hate you because the chapters are too short but that's okey if you just keep them coming! (pun intended) I still nedd mooooooore! Mooooore! Give it to me! Now!

    I really like this story! I really like the conversation between Dumbledore and Snape. I'm going to meka you a promise. I'll review every chapter as long as you keep posting them *smiles and huggles more*

    (I'm the one who forgot to sign my name btw. Anon. And sorry for the spelling, my Swedish is alot better *lol*)
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  • From lightgoddess on January 12, 2005
    Oh my!! This is definately different from your average Harry-gets-abused-and-Snape-saves-him stories. And I just love Snarry, these stories are hands down my faves!! Can't wait for you to update!!
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  • From ANON - Juushika on January 12, 2005
    *pouts* Severus will have to pull a Jack-the-Ripper's-Mary-Kelly-esque murder on Will, but maybe keep him alive during. I'm feeling violent today. *stupid grin* (there will be no paragraphs in the review, as tends to hate me, and eats my reviews when I do. Sorry if this is all cluttered and junk.) Your Vernon-is-prostituting-Harry, Severus/Harry fic has inspired me to start on my Vernon-tried-to-rape-Harry-which leads-to-cross-dressing, Severus/Harry fic. I'll just re-write the chapter that's hidden in my broken computer in my room. Heh, I should probably be getting back to campus right now, instead of writing this. *Deviance*. ANYHOO, (omfg I love my rambley disconnected/disjointed reviews) I still cry at the short chapters, but you make up for it with fast updates, so then I stop crying. Or something. I do wonder how Severus is going to rescue him; like, over the summer instead of him figuring it out during the school year. And if it is over the summer, I look forward to seeing how you get Severus to the Dursley's house; that can be a bit of a challenge sometimes. *Salute* update soon!
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  • From ANON - Darkladyd on January 12, 2005
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! GOD! You soooooooooo, know how to keep a person hanging!!! Hehe. love the story so far, and I agree with the person who said, not to make Snape all mushy. That is just not him!! hehe

    Please update soon!!!

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  • From ANON - Anon on January 11, 2005
    I hate you! The Chapters are to short damn it! *bangs her head in the wall with frustration* I want... no need more! Either you write longer chapters or a hole lot more of them right now! *nods*

    Just don't do the awful mistake and make Snape all emotional when he finds out. Like "Oh Harry, I'm sorry, if I had known. Severus is here now and everything's alright. I love you and I'll never let you go"
    Snape would not admit to that mistake... not until the very last chapter atleast ;)

    *huggles and hopes that it will bring more chapters right now*
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  • From ANON - Avid Fan Ficc Reader on January 11, 2005
    FUCK YOU! How dare you do that to Harry! And what the hell's up with thes short ass chapters! You right more or I'm gonna have to murder ya ass..

    Uh yeah good story and all I just hope Sevvy comes in and kicks the living shit out of Uncle Dursley's ass!
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  • From on January 10, 2005
    Heh heh, you are going to go for that fourth update today right?!! *^^* That would be mana from heaven! S'pecially seeing as the chapters are short, but hey it works right? Just update soon ok?! ^.~*

    Hugs&Serpents'Kisses ~Dass
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  • From ANON - Katie K on January 10, 2005
    wow this is really good, but I feel so sorry for poor Harry. When will Sevvy save him?
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  • From ANON - lady_desdemona on January 10, 2005
    Hey! I want more! UPDATE! :P
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  • From ANON - Juushika (aaargh!) on January 10, 2005
    Agggggrh! What the hell?! *shriek* if this doesn't work, I'm giving up. *angry noises* ..."Yippi-skippi!
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  • From ANON - Juushika (wtf, mate?!) on January 10, 2005
    Ah, I do so love it when cuts off my reviews. *glare* Anyways, here's the rest. We'll start from "yippi-skippi"
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