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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - Juushika (too lazy to sign in again) on January 10, 2005
    *loud gasp* Oh! the cliffhanger! And, Oh! The rapage of Harry! *dramatic swoon/faint of glee/horror* I have such mixed feelings about these fics. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, which makes me feel sadistic. I can't help it, Hurt/Comfort is one of my weaknesses, I suppose. I was happy to see three new chapters, though. I'd just gotten back from my uncle's memorial service, which was quite boring, long, and depressing. (he's been missing for around... four, five months? So everyone's accepted that, and no one's really sad anymore or anything. Which sounds mean, but it's true. ._.;;) and I was like "uuugh, bored, feet hurt, hugged too many people to somehow knew who I am who I'v never seen before, my hands smell like dead-deer fur. Uuuhg, feet hurt... oo! Harry abuse! Yippi-skippi!
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  • From ANON - amanda on January 09, 2005
    i hope there are new chapters soon

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  • From ANON - Addiction (too lazy to sighn in) on January 09, 2005
    Chapter1 : brillient, psitive;ly surperb

    Chapter 2: I lke it, poor Remus, how Ilove that lycanthrope...I love how snarky snape is, really i do

    Chapter3; oh poor harry...i think i know what's coming....snarky snape makes me happy Please do update soon?


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  • From ANON - WitchbladeHell on January 09, 2005
    Hey, there! I just wanted to saw that I'm loving the story so far! This is my favourite kind of HP/SS! I can't wait until Snape sees what's really gooing on! Later!

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  • From ANON - Yana on January 09, 2005
    leave Remus alone
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  • From ANON - Katie K on January 09, 2005
    Ooh, this is good, can't wait to read the next chapter. Update soon plz!
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  • From ANON - Juushika (too lazy to sign in) on January 09, 2005
    Argh! Chapter too short! (*Hypocrite*). This means you must write more. And quickly. Or I'll explode. I'm a sucker for poor-abused!Harry stories, I is.
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