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Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - fw on October 27, 2005
    Hey nice! I like how you're combining some of the chapters to make them longer, People will really like that
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  • From ANON - Threesisters on October 26, 2005
    I don't mean to be rude. Medication sometimes mucks me up. But, haven't I read this before.
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  • From ANON - Kamirine on October 25, 2005
    What a sad story. I love it though. Please continue, it's a very great story and I'd love to read more of it.
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  • From ANON - Dark on October 24, 2005
    So good. So very good i say.
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  • From ANON - sara on October 24, 2005
    omg how horrible you stopped when it was starting to get good update soon
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  • From ANON - The Greymalkin on October 14, 2005
    Hopelessly awful as far as both belivability (it is fanfiction, but come on!) and keeping the characters actually in character rather than the hyperactive weirdos you transformed them into. Who am I kidding, it's complete and utter rubbish, but I love it anyway. I'm in a light-hearted mood, and your combination of total randomness and pretty funny gags (the lists, the drinking, the weirdo professor, the one-liners) was exactly what I wanted to read. I've been reading too much angst lately, does funny things to your brain, angst. can't have too much or you go slightly . . . odd.
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  • From ANON - plotbunnybrat on October 14, 2005
    If Harry testifys in court, you will have to introduce the press telling Harry's story. Even if a gag order is placed on the press, Harry's fame guarntees that the story will get out to the public. I am looking forward to reading more of this story.
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  • From ANON - Hambares on October 13, 2005
    So will there be more? Or is this the end? I ddin't quiet understand what you meant in your AN. I am glad you reposted though. I was enjoying this fic!
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  • From ANON - Roses on October 12, 2005
    I really liked your writing style, and the story line was really addicting. Some parts were a little rough, but that was probably because of the off-formatting. Um, only a few little quibbles, some of your grammar was incorrect, and I had a question about your french. I can understand why the translations would be off, and it made the scene funnier because Lenny was drunk, but just a hint, it should have been "Bonjour mes petit enfants!" Just a hint, otherwise it was a really good story!
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  • From lennylovegood on October 06, 2005
    The last line filled my eyes with tears.

    Ooh, check it out. I have a username now, so I can upload my ficcies. (I forgot my old account password...*idiot*)

    I can't wait for more, sir!

    I love you! *kiss/hug/glomp/ravage/snog*

    ~Your Padfoot

    P.S. Don't let the bad reviews get you down. From what I see, there are many readers inlove with this fic. I am one of them. ^^
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  • From ANON - Devon\'s not people! on October 04, 2005
    Devon writes many very good stories, most of which are never posted due to a meddlesome but well-intentioned friend. If you could see them, you would know her true powers of awesome. But then you wouls all want to be her best friend, and I'd need a stick of some kind to keep my post. So I pity you. Feel my pity.

    Devon, you're the definition of hardcore when it comes to fics! This is more great work on your part, and I'm proud (though unsurprised). You're not only my favourite authour on this site, you're the best person on it, too. And remember - you're not people.

    I won't say keep writing, 'cause I bet you write in your sleep, but I'll say this: It's great, you're great, and anyone who argues to the contrary will be very sad when I'm don with them.
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  • From AkumaKawa on October 03, 2005

    I love this story, keep up the great work, coolsa.
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  • From ANON - venus again on October 02, 2005
    sorry, but i forgot to tell u to update soon! i so totally can't wait that long!!! and yes, i am adding this to my favrits list, be proud
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  • From ANON - venus on October 02, 2005
    well, i really like this story! i have been into the harry potter stories a lot lately! and this seems pretty good! i luv the harry/snape pairing stuff. and yes, i'm a bit of a perverted person, but only wen i'm alone in my room, so no need to worry! and, i have reasons to be acting funny, first off, its about 2 in the mornin here! 2. my monthly cycle is cumin up and i'm havin these fuckin mood swings! i'm annoyed at yur horrible spelling abilities, they r a little bit.... how shud i put this?.... bad!!! but i'm too sleep to do much yeelin and stuff like that. but, as u write this stuff, i am thinking u to be atleast older than me, and i know that i wud be able to do way bettur if i was the one writing this stuff! and i guarantee u, i am WAY younger than u! so PLEASE find sum1 to check ovur yur stuff! it is REALLY annoying! anywho, i really thought it was mean the way dumbledore did that to harry, i can totally relate to sumtin like that! but i refuse to tell u y. and no, it wasn't anything that was related to rape, or anything like that! it was just a concept thingie. now, wat was i going to say next? oh yea! U NEED TO MAKE YUR CHAPTERS LONGER. wen i saw this story had 34 chappies in it, i was happy i had found one that had progressed so far! but wen i read the whole thing, the chapters were WAY to short for my liking! i do like the idea of stupid vernon getting wat he rightfully deserves!!! i also liked the part where drako was singing to harry, i felt really fuzzy and cuddly. and, it made me feel like sumtin might develope latur in the story between the 2 of them, if that were to happen, it wud be really cool! i'm not exactly sure how u cud make it happen though. maybe, u cud have him tell dumbledore it was ok to go to the hearing thingie, but wen he came back he was really upset, cuz the daily profit got wind of it, and now the whole wizarding world knows about it, then he gets really upset starts running through the halls for sum reason unbeknownst to me, wen he runs into draco. sumthin cud happen between the 2 of em, and they might hook up. this was JUST A SUGGESTION! i don't care if u think it is rediculous or not, i'm pretty used to being ridiculed, and if u don't use it, i will not be angry wit u at all, it is a fanfic about harry and snape after all! well, anyway, i still havta go leave a message on my neopian guild *yes, i'm on neopets! and no, i won't tell anyone my username! but i can say, that my userlookup is WAY AWSUM!!!!!* i don't have time to write a lot more, please make the chapters longer from now on, correct yur grammer and spelling, and if possible, start to make draco and harry nice to eachothur, like friends or sumtin. well, i'm done for the day, so......... toodles!!!!!!!!!!!!! *darn that was the longest review i have evur written!*
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  • From ANON - Jadzia on October 01, 2005
    This is an interesting storyline, but the presentation is awful. You need an editor/beta person that knows what they're doing. Or you need to write your stories in Microsoft Word, then use the grammar and spell checking function. Or read Strunk and White's 'Elements of Style' before you post again. Then put your paragraphs and sentences together correctly before you post.

    It's entirely too difficult to read the way it is, and detracts from the original thought and the plot, which is, or could be, quite good if you had the basics down. If you truly want to improve your skills, I'd suggest taking the whole thing down, editing it properly, then reposting it. Use the skills you were taught in school, and the book listed above.
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