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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - Lady Jane on June 23, 2005
    Oh please continue with this one!!! Cant's stand that ending :P It's a good story! Couldn't let it go once I started ^-^ I wana know the end! You really have a good language and are very good at writing! Keep up the good work! (It's late and I'm not good at doing comments)

    Lady Jane
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  • From ANON - EsmaKeltin on June 23, 2005
    !!!!! I was so stunned i couldn't even log in in for a proper signed review.
    What can I say? This is... incredible! The most well-crafted, exciting and creative fanfic i believe I have ever read. And i've read a lot. You have the wonderful talent of keeping your reader glued to every word. Your characterization is exquisite, the storyline itself is well-rounded and... wow.
    I'm rambling on like an idiot, I know. I could do this for paragraphs. But let me just say thank you, so much, for your creativity and wit, and for crafting this story. I await more fabulous chapters.
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  • From ANON - tygress on June 23, 2005
    Please hurry with the next chapter. I've been so caught up with your story. Great job. Good depth and ploth and charaters. Please keep going.
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  • From on June 23, 2005
    OMG's that was close for Hermione, a few minutes early, and Draco would've seen Hermione and not Mira. I hope he doesn't do anything to drastic to her.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 22, 2005
    FUCK! you are so awful!!!! How can you leave us like that?!!! especially when you take so long to update?! I'm dying *dies*
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  • From ANON - EEky333 on June 22, 2005
    You are a sadist at heart madam! How can you leave us like this? Well, keep writing please because I've been following the story very pathetically for a while now.
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  • From Arabella on June 22, 2005
    Ooh, you are E V I L, Grille. Nasty little cliffhangers - I love 'em. :) Great chapter, your inspiration was evident. Keep writing! :)
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  • From ANON - killisandra on June 13, 2005
    you left it there? are you kidding? where's the next chapter? My god woman/man you are going to drive me insane...that was one hell of a cliff hanger.. Bloody hell. and? shall i expect more soon? *pleads* i hope so *gets on knees to beg* please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on June 12, 2005
    Another excellent chapter. With such a sweet ending. I can't help wondering how Lucius will confront Mira when she returns to the mansion.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 11, 2005
    UPdate please! :D
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  • From ANON - Metoo2 on June 11, 2005
    I love the story great so far. Excellent idea i dont think its been done before im very impressed by the detail and depth fo your writing. keep the story coming.
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  • From ANON - merlinsbeard6 on June 11, 2005
    Argh!!!! I LOVE your story, it is one of the best snape/hermione fics I have EVER read! and i was SO annoyed when i scrolled down to find that there was no "next chapter" button on this chapter! Argh!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
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  • From ANON - divine angel on June 09, 2005
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  • From ANON - Pixi on June 07, 2005
    interesting. Looking forward to an update. Def kept me from doing housework that I should be doing in preperation of new kitten on Saturday.
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  • From ANON - beautifullymalicious on June 04, 2005
    !!!! I can't believe you ended it like that. I love this story!!!!! Don't keep me waitinggggggg *sobs in frustration*
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