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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - Branwen on April 06, 2005
    Finally she is back were she belongs with the rebels...Awseome new chappie....hope you can write more
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on April 06, 2005
    Oh dear, I think that puts an end to any Hermione/Severus action for several chapters but, it was a fabulous arguement. Just the right way for Hermione to reveal her identity. Severus speechless, LOL, that was great. Please, please write more soon :D
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  • From ANON - Krista on April 05, 2005
    Yay! I've been checking back daily for this next part, and was so excited when I saw it here today :)

    Keep writing! I can't wait to hear what happens next!
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  • From ANON - Cherie on April 05, 2005
    AHHHHH....."I believe that knocked you off your high horse".....THAT....WAS....PERFECTION!!! You write snape so well, I adore it. This whole idea is absolutely superb. I have to say that if there were some way to put a back story on this and change the names of the characters so they weren't jk's...I think you would not only have an AMAZING book but a book that would either be made into a broadway musical...a play...or of the most kick ass movies ever. I love the way you write and everything just has a pure entertainment quality to it.
    I can't wait for more and I hope you continue writing while technology decides to bend you over and do you dry. I love this story and I honestly check twice a day to see if you've updated. Not many things can keep my attention and make me sit still long enough to enjoy it....but this is the shit. This is great reading. You and your beta are doing FANTASTIC work. Give your beta some luvin from me as well. *grins*

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  • From ANON - killisandra on April 04, 2005
    i keep checking if you've updated this story but you haven't. Pretty please with a cherry on top, will you update this story? PLEASE
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 03, 2005

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  • From ANON - A-dreamer-whose-lost on April 02, 2005
    I was hoping that I might be able to find this fic somewhere else on the web. I noticed that got rid of both of your fics. I noticed, however, the version on here is farther behind than the one that used to exist on I would really like to continue reading this fic; honestly, it's the best one that I've found. If you could tell me where I might be able to find your fic or whether you're going to update on here I would really appreciate. Please e-mail me at, I am very interested to see where this fic is going.

    Thanks so very much!
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  • From Arabella on March 30, 2005
    you're killing me here, Grill. ^.^
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  • From ANON - Mareila on March 30, 2005
    Awesome but please write more.....
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  • From ANON - reina on March 29, 2005
    plz update soon! this is a great story but your cliffhangers are killing me :D.
    Keep up the great work and amazing skills,
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  • From ANON - tygress on March 28, 2005
    Love the story. I think you are doing a wonderful job with characters and plot all moving together. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - lydia on March 24, 2005
    Yay, Hermione a piece of Malfoy furniture! Poor girl...
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  • From ANON - killisandra on March 24, 2005
    can you pretty please update this? It would be greatly appreciated as I have been holding out for a few weeks now, waiting for updates.. Thanks for the new chapter though, I discovered that a couple of days ago and by the goddess, i did a little jig cause i was so happy. Anyway, anytime soon would be amazing. Thanks for writing
    Blessed Be,
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  • From ANON - shadowchik13 on March 21, 2005
    dude! this has to be one of the best, most well-written stories i have ever read! arrgh, cliffhanger, much?! keep up the good work and i can't wait to read about what happens next!! i have to say congrats one more time on a job well done! haha i know, i know. i already said how much i loved your story... but one more time can't hurt! plus, i don't really think words can describe how awesome this one is. don't give up on it! (really, there are people who read your stuff, it doesn't just sit there... hey, i'm living proof of that... haha) good luck with the rest, i'll be looking for updates!!

    KC aka shadowchik13

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  • From ANON - destiny black on March 21, 2005
    Yay! Another chapter. I hope you update soon. It seems to take so long.It'd be nice for all of us who read and love this story.
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