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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - Botticellisangel on March 20, 2005
    Wow, this story is awesome! I avoided reading it at first, because I normally don't enjoy darker fic; but this one is excellent! I really love it, and I hope to see more soon!
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  • From ANON - june on March 20, 2005
    I feel so impatient whenever I open this story up. I want the next chapter NOW! lol. It was very good, except that you did my pet peeve of harry potter fan fic. You lit a cig with a wand.... i know this seems like a stupid pet peeve.... but just picture someone doing that.... it's just.... lame. Lol.

    anyway... MORE. NOW.
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  • From ANON - Faith on March 19, 2005
    I came upon your story today, and fell in love. This is an amazingly good story. I read it straight through putting off everything else I had to do. Wonderful, wonderful, can't wait for the next chapter. the suspense is going to kill me.
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  • From ANON - Cherie on March 18, 2005

    This is so great. I have butterflies in my stomach...will she reveal...what, when, where, will he react...To her knowing him, to him knowing her. DAMN this is fanfuckingtabulous. I can't wait for the next one. Keep em coming darling, I'm SO a little pathetic fan girl. *screams and jumps up and down*
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  • From on March 18, 2005
    Now that Hermione knows about Snape, when will he find out about her ? Inquiring minds want to know

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  • From DivineAngel on March 18, 2005
    YAY! New chapter. This story is so addictive! I hope the next update will be soon :-p
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  • From ANON - Branwen on March 18, 2005
    Getting much better. please continue writing
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on March 18, 2005
    I love this story. It's one of my favourites at the moment and I seem to check constantly for updates. 2 new chapters to read through... I was in heaven. But how could Severus think of asking Mira to go into such a dangerous situation? I hope we find out soon...

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  • From ANON - Jamie on March 18, 2005
    Where have I been, and why haven't I read this before now? Wow! This is the best HG/SS fic that I have read in a long time, and I cannot wait for more!
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  • From Arabella on March 17, 2005
    ooh, bravo on another great chapter! :) Keep writing! xxox
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  • From ANON - Robin on March 14, 2005
    I don't know what's up with me today, cause I normally don't review (it's just so expensive with the minute paying) but today I have kind of a run. I think I reviewed at least 8 stories, but for this one I'm just so glad about those new chapters. I didn't even read them (no time, no time) but I KNOW they're great! As your whole story is. thank you so much for writing and posting.
    Please more more more more
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  • From ANON - destiny black on March 14, 2005
    NOOOOOOOOOO! You can't let it end like that!MORE!please? Yay,I'm glad she found out it was Snape.
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  • From ANON - Branwen on March 14, 2005
    She finally found out, awesome. please continue. I can't wait till he finds out
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  • From ANON - borg on March 13, 2005
    oh my GOD!!!! you ROCK!!! FINALLY!!! YESS!!!!!!!!! ergh, i LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!
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  • From ANON - LadyTigresa on March 13, 2005
    That was a great chappie! Though i hated the cliffhanger... I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen next. You better update soon!!
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