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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - sleephead on March 13, 2005
    i hate. You and your damn cliffiesQ!!!
    write more now or i will review everyday until youo do that is a promise not a threat!!!!
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  • From ANON - catpower on March 13, 2005
    Oh no - I can't wait to find out what Hermione says to Severus next. This is a fantastic story - please update soon. There are a lot of interesting ideas here - the brothel, especially.
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  • From ANON - june on March 13, 2005
    ok... want. more.

    want more now.


    You have a really intersting concept and do a good job of organizing it scene by scene. You have some tempo problems, some scenes move rather slowly. And your prose needs more development. Otherwise, that was really very good and I'm extremely.... what's the word? excited for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - mysticsong1978 on March 13, 2005
    OMG What greeat story and what an awful cliffhanger!

    I can't wait to see how THAT turns out.
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  • From ANON - klomystr on March 12, 2005
    Dear God, please, please write the next chapter soon. I know you must have been grinning ear-to-ear as you wrote those last lines. I was, certainly, as I read them!
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  • From ANON - lydia on March 12, 2005
    yay, let poor mira go to grimmauld place! oh god, you don't plan any mira/voldemort, do you?
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 12, 2005
    ohh now she know
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  • From ANON - Cathy N/dopeydora on March 12, 2005
    Just read from the beginning through to chapter ten, and I am so hooked. I am looking forward to the next chapter. Well done Brilliant writting.
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  • From ANON - divine angel on March 12, 2005
    Nice. I'm so glad she figured it out. What next though?!!!
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  • From ANON - dragon34 on March 12, 2005
    I hate cliffhangers, but I love your story. Please update soon
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  • From ANON - Krista on March 12, 2005
    Please please please update soon!

    It certainly is a cliffhanger!

    I'm getting so anxious for them to find each other out, and I'm actually glad that you're dragging it out. It makes it much more interesting :)
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  • From ANON - lemonade on March 11, 2005
    *gasp*!!!!! You're going to LEAVE us hanging like that??!!! Cruel, evil woman!!! Hurry up, wouldja??? ;D I need that next chapter. I like this Snape.
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  • From CherieElizabeth on March 11, 2005
    GUH, I know I just reviewed after I read it the first time...but after reading it thrice over...I'm convinced that you need to post another chapter as soon as you can. You have a brilliant mind...this is a great plot and FINALLY Voldemort won...everythings not roses and rainbows. There's something about the underlying darkness and agony that I just get a kick out of.

    Alright...I'm gust going to go tortue some puppies now.

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  • From Arabella on March 11, 2005
    You. Are. Evil... but I guess you knew that already. :) Great chapter (and nice cliff-hanger for that matter). As always, I'm anxiously awaiting on the next chapter.
    Happy writing!
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  • From ANON - Cherie on March 11, 2005
    GUH...I...Come on...Please. I'm wringing my shirt legs a thumpin and...GUH....Please...Please please PLEASE let the swift writing gods be with you. Oh I think I'll absolute BURST if i don't read more!
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