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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - Cat on March 11, 2005
    omg omg omg you are so cruel. SO CRUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAA! :'(
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  • From witchchild686 on March 11, 2005
    How can you stop it THERE?! *crieS* Oh I can't wait to find out his reaction to that! Old age is causing him to slip! Some spy *rolls eyes* lol but GREAT story! I'm loving this! I 'personally' would have told draco to give me some time to think on it and thought up a beter reason but *shrugs* whatever floats her boat. Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Nobis_Solom_Non on March 11, 2005
    Yes! I love it! Update fast, just for me, please, before the weekend ends! I have a blind date tomorrow, and if it fails I want another chappie of this to fall back on! *molests* I'll keep molesting you until you update! *continues molesting*
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  • From ANON - Alice on March 10, 2005
    its so hard waiting so long for each chapter. I forgot this was one of the stories I was following until today. Even if you were to just update with author's notes so your story remains near the top of the HG/SS board.
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  • From ANON - rbrlubber on March 07, 2005
    Attention: Should you encounter Severus Snape--and I really don't care when, where, or how--please tell him I have important information about the Death Eaters that I am eager to share, but he'll have to work for it. A quick review of this chapter might be in order. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on March 07, 2005
    Reading through the aftermath, i'm glad you decided not to write the Lucius/Mira scene. I'm really interested to know whether Claude is a traiter but... I'm even more interested in what Mira will say to Draco when he proposes she lives in Malfoy Manor. Will Mr Granger be pleased about the turn of events? Not so much a 'cat among the pidgeons' as a 'pidgeon among the cats'. Poor Mira :o(
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  • From ANON - lemonade on March 06, 2005
    Glad you're back!! Can't wait to see what happens next. ;D
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  • From ANON - starbright on March 06, 2005
    great chapter
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  • From ANON - cc on March 06, 2005
    poor girl
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  • From ANON - Ril on March 06, 2005
    Wow, wow, wow, wow! That's all I can think of at the moment. This story is so good! When I read the description I wasn't expecting much as I've been let down by many 'Voldemort rules the world, poor Hermione' stories before, but this one is just excellent. I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Cherie on March 05, 2005
    GAH, Okay...this is BRILLIANT work. I love it. I'm on the edge of my seat already and nothing could ditract me as I read...Excellent work. I love all the mystery. I look forward to reading more chapters.
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  • From Arabella on March 05, 2005
    :) Great chapter! I can't wait for Snape to find out that "Mira" is actually Hermione. ^.^ Keep writing!
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  • From ANON - TaintedAngel on March 04, 2005
    Good call on not having Malfoy and Hermionie's interaction worded out. I liked the way that you just gave us the after effects of it.
    I was so excited when I saw a new chapter that I almost fell off my chair! (yes I am blonde).
    i am really enjoying your story. As I am following the progress of many (it fels like hundreds) of fics I tend to get them muddled up and they blend into one another. However your fic really stands out in the crowd for its origionality! (I am not bagging anyone elses stories...see the reviews I give them).
    Looking foward to more....much more :-)
    TaintedAngel xxx
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  • From ANON - NobisSolomNon on March 04, 2005
    Hehe, nice, a job for Hermione, but nice. Hurry and update!
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  • From DivineAngel on March 04, 2005
    Hmm, interesting. Don't make her go to the Malfoys! She doesn't deserve it!
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