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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From on March 04, 2005
    I hope hermione doesn't go with Draco, unless you have a plan for her to do this and still tell Mr. Granger what she's heard.
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  • From ANON - lemonade on February 21, 2005
    I have to say that even though I don't go for this kind of story normally, you have me intrigued about what's to come next! You know how to weave a story, well done you!!! ;)
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  • From ANON - ewa on February 21, 2005
    very cool!
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  • From ANON - Ladyevilfaerie on February 20, 2005
    I loved this chapter and I will patiently await the next chapter. It sucks that Lucius showed up. I feel sorry for Hermione, cause she has to pleasure a Malfoy. I hate that stupid blabber mouth Hailie for ruining Hermione's night! TTFN, SAYOONARA!
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  • From ANON - lydia on February 19, 2005
    yay for lucius malfoy! i wonder how she will interrogate him...
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  • From ANON - MJ on February 19, 2005
    Please continue this story soon. I have to see when Hermione and Snape figure out who the other is. He has to realize that she didn't even hesitate to help him escape which has to earn her some trust. Or maybe he should stay overnight and of course he would wake up first. lol. Any way I'm hooked and I look forward to more.

    Love always,
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  • From ANON - cdkobasiuk on February 18, 2005
    This story actually has me interested. I usually don't care for prostitution stories but I like your plot and the way you are writing Severus.

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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on February 18, 2005
    Lucius Malfoy? He's obviously far more intelligent than Draco. I think Hermione might have her work cut out for her. I do have to wonder about the lovely scene we must have missed out on because of his interruption ;o) Good luck with your film :o)
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  • From ANON - TaintedAngel on February 18, 2005
    YAY!! Another chapter!! Left me hanging on for more...its like a drug!! I want more more more now now now heheh okay the men in white coats sedated me :-)

    TaintedAngel xxx
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  • From ANON - NobisSolomNon on February 17, 2005
    Poor Mione, Malfoy is so mean. I thought he was all sweet in the beginning, but now he's all.... evil. Damn him being all in character and what not! Oh well, good job on keeping them all in Character, and hurry with an update.
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  • From on February 17, 2005
    That was close with lucius and severus. please update as soon as you can.
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  • From ANON - lawl on February 15, 2005
    This is really good. Really good!
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  • From ANON - Rhynn on February 14, 2005
    This is one of the best stories I have ever read. Seriously. So often, the same ideas are done over and over again, but I have never seen anything like yours. Props for originality and keep up the great work. I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - killisandra on February 13, 2005
    Pretty please update soon. I really want to know what happens...Thanks for writing
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  • From ANON - cc on February 13, 2005
    great job
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