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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - lydia on February 12, 2005
    Bring Mandy back, will you? I'd like to know more about their relationship.
    Good work! Yay, everytime I check there's a new chapter
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  • From ANON - Moi on February 11, 2005
    Normally I do not like the apocolyptic, Voldemort-won-the-war stories, but I am addicted to this. Looking forward to the next chapter like an addict--impatiently and with a neediness that is rather embarrassing.
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  • From ANON - Bella on February 11, 2005
    *claps excitedly* Brilliant! Ooh, I can't wait to see what's going to happen-- I think I might explode. :D LOL. Keep writing!
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  • From ANON - NobisSolomNon on February 11, 2005
    Good to hear that we'll all be finding out soon. Can't wait for Sevie to see the bruises on her neck though. He'll be in for a right shocker when he hears her information. She's a good little spy. Update quickly!
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  • From lysa1 on February 11, 2005
    Well. Then I came to the end of the added chapters. Seven until now.
    And I
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  • From lysa1 on February 11, 2005
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  • From on February 11, 2005
    I am so hooked on your story. I'm so disappointed when i finish reading a chapter, and I know I have to wait for another, it's just that good, really. please update soon.

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  • From ANON - destiny black on February 11, 2005
    Wow! That sure was a close one with Draco almost finding out. Hmm,sounds like our dear Potions Master is in Love! Please don't keep us in suspense any longer. When will Snape find out who Mira is? And will dear daddy Malfoy pay a visit to Lily's? How will Harry react when he finds out that Hermione is a hooker?You sure as hell keep us going,Grill. Pretty please update asap. You can borrow my muses if you need to.They are on a break from Lent. Keep up the wonderful fantastic work!
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  • From ANON - Branwen on February 11, 2005
    this story is getting so good. please write more soon
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  • From ANON - TaintedAngel on February 11, 2005
    A new chapter A new chapter!! yayayayayay!!!! AND I wasnt even drunk while I was reading it this time!! :-)
    Great story!!!! I constantly look for new chapters. This is BY FAR my fav SS/HG story I have read and it has barley even started!! I can't rave on enough about how much I love this story!! I think about it while I am at work...wondering how it is going to turn out! Okay anough of my ramble. Good work!!
    TaintedAngel xxx
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  • From ANON - kris on February 11, 2005
    Poor Draco ... he takes too long to actually figure things out.

    Severus better get crackin'!
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on February 11, 2005
    Another chapter *jumps for joy*. And Mira now has something to tell Mr Granger ;oD What a nice excuse for some more of that Hermione/Snape goodness :o) Thanks for posting an update :oD
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  • From ANON - ari on February 10, 2005
    Very intriguing...excellent storytelling...i want to know what happens when snape comes back! rock on.

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  • From ANON - lydia on February 06, 2005
    Great Draco ;) I normally don't like Hermione/Draco, but I do like Hermione being the clever one :)
    I also like suspicious/clueless!Hermione and the Order insight. Update! Yay for Snape.
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  • From ANON - NobisSolomNon on February 05, 2005
    Okay, first off, I keep spelling my name differently. Second off: OMG! I love this story! When will Sev find out Mira is Hermione???? Update soon!
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