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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - Kery on February 05, 2005
    Ah, wonderful. You have me quite intruiged with this story, it's very good. Quite realistic, but not harshly so. I look forward to more when you can yet it to us. I'm afraid I'm not the best on critiquing work, so I shall refrain from doing so, and simply say that I would like to see more, once you have it that is. There is nothing worse than writer's block...
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on February 05, 2005
    Another new chapter *jumps for joy*. A jealous Draco, the team assembled and, hopefully, another chapter closer to Hermione realising who Mr Granger is. Great work!
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  • From ANON - Bella on February 04, 2005
    Good chapter... I like the title. :) LOL, you know... I check the story page almost every day for an update-- that's how much I like the story so far. :)
    Take care, and keep writing!
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  • From ANON - Be;;a on February 04, 2005
    Good chapter... I like the title. :) LOL, you know... I check the story page almost every day for an update-- that's how much I like the story so far. :)
    Take care, and keep writing!

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  • From ANON - TaintedAngel on February 04, 2005
    Hello...Well it is 2:30 am here. Just got home from partying again and found a new chapter!! YAY!!! I kept checking every day. This is by far one of the most enjoyable snape/herm. fics. I have read....and I have read ALOT of them!! I am so keen to find out what happens. Keep up the good work and I hope you dot keep me hanging!! TaintedAngel xxx
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  • From ANON - Branwen on February 04, 2005
    cute story please write more
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  • From ANON - TaintedAngel on January 30, 2005
    So I am reading your story after being out all night partying....its 4am and finishes!!! I want more more more!!! :-) Yes it is safe to say I am enjoying it :-) Very interesting.
    Tainted Angel xxx
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  • From on January 30, 2005
    OoO. I have been keeping up with this one since you first put it out and I REALLY want you to keep it going. It's great!! I love your work!!
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  • From ANON - BeautifullyMalicious on January 28, 2005
    This is one of the best stories I have ever read. One thing: I think Hermione is smart enough to get that Tiberius and Severus were both Roman emperors. Aside from that, it's a great flipping story. Continue on, please!
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  • From ANON - Bella on January 28, 2005
    Ah! Amazing as always, though I do wish your chapters were longer. :) Keep writing!
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  • From ANON - croesan on January 28, 2005
    Wow, great story! I hope Hermione recognizes Snape first!
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  • From on January 28, 2005
    oh.. ihope severus figures out who mira really is, i think she needs to know everyone misses her
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  • From ANON - hopelsydreaming on January 28, 2005
    Arg! Great story but, come on, when does Snape find out that the girl is Hermione?
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  • From ANON - Wu Jao on January 28, 2005
    I really like your story and even if it's perhaps a not so new point of view, it is to me.
    And furthermore even though it is a somewhat uncomfortable setting, I highly enjoy it.
    I hope that they'll recognise the mysterious voice/wand-thing soon but not too soon.
    So, keep it up and going, please.
    Bye, Jao
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  • From ANON - ladyevilfaerie on January 28, 2005
    Yeah! another chapter. I have been waiting FOREVER! Anyway awesome chapter. I await your next chapter, and I hope it is soon.
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