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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - destiny black on January 28, 2005
    Yay!I can't wait to see the look on Hermione's face when she finds out that she's been having sex with Snape!Or his face for that matter. This is a very original story,and you really don't see that alot with ss/hg pairings.Keep up the great work.
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  • From ANON - lydia on January 28, 2005
    yay, new chapter. I love the order insight. and hermione recognizing that voice. looking forward to hermione/draco action.
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on January 28, 2005
    What do I think...? I'll let you know when my brain starts working again. Wow! I loved this chapter. Very descriptive. You managed to write this with such intensity. I can't wait for the next chapter and really hope there aren't too many more chapters before Hermione realises just who her mystery client is ;oD
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  • From ANON - Lia-Bia on January 28, 2005
    OMG!! I love this story! Plz update soon, Ill be reading!
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  • From on January 24, 2005
    I am quite infatuated with this story. Please write more!
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  • From ANON - J on January 22, 2005
    It's actually really good so far. I'm enjoying it, a lot. Hope to see more!
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  • From ANON - Bella on January 22, 2005
    Great chapter! Keep going {please}! :D
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  • From ANON - Anna on January 22, 2005
    *Stares at the monitor with mouth hanging open* I can't believe you stopped it there. Shame on you! Just kidding. *Grins* He has no idea who he's trying to get information from, and she has no idea who is giving her such pleasure. I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to read what is going to happen. Will she figure out it's Snape? Will he find out that it's Hermione that he's trying to get the information from? Too many questions....and no answers. You have to update soon before I go completely out of it wondering what will happen. Great chapter by the way! Update......soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - NobisSolomNon on January 21, 2005
    You should hurry and update this fic, it's good.... When will Sevvie find out he's on top of 'Mione?
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  • From ANON - kris on January 21, 2005
    oooh! please update soon! this is getting good!
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  • From ANON - Lu Ling Qi on January 20, 2005
    I was a little hesitent about reading this but now I feel that it is a good story pls update soon!

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  • From jessicalynch on January 20, 2005
    This is soo f'ing good!Please update asap.I simply can't wait to read more.Can you possibly e-mail me when you update?Thank you for such a good story.It sucked me right in!
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  • From ANON - Shinohime on January 20, 2005
    I can't wait for more!! Please tell me they are going to find out who the other is soon!! After the little fun they have had, that is...
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  • From ANON - ladyevilfaerie on January 20, 2005
    You never fail to keep me interested in the story!!!!Please give me more soon!!!! And just a question, when does Hermione find out that it's Severus? and are they going to be really embarassed about it after they find out or do they start to have feelings for each other? I know i'll find out in due time but I just thought i'd ask. Well TTFN!
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  • From sailorpipn on January 20, 2005
    this is such a good story!
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