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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - Miryea on October 03, 2005
    I simply love this story, I can't wait for additional chapters!!
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  • From ANON - Raeann on October 03, 2005
    I absolutely adore your story! I just stumbled across it tonight, and I haven't stopped reading it yet. It's actually well-written (gasp- the concept!) and you have developed characters, an interesting plotline... all of the wonderful things that make fiction good. I didn't want to navigate away from the page I was on, so I didn't check the date you last updated, but I hope you update again soon! I'm afraid I might be addicted... (*sprints to FFA- fan fiction anonymous*) I didn't finish any of my calculus homework, and I hold you completely responsible if I fail my test a completely good kind of way. Happy writing...
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  • From ANON - Catpower on September 30, 2005
    Enjoyed Severus's story - and wondering what awful truth he held back. Did he kill Morhag really? Or maybe betray her? Loved the cello scene - v. romantic.
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  • From ANON - Lunelwe on September 28, 2005
    Glad the review inspired you! I sort of noticed the avery mistake when I read it, but thought it was me, but now I've got it all clear in my head so thanks. Can't wait for more action, especially of the hermione/snape kind, and also looking forwards to finding out just what snape is still hiding? update soon!
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  • From ANON - gypsy on September 28, 2005
    i'm not guite sure if this a turn for the better or worse yet. there's only one way to find out...
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  • From ANON - angel on September 28, 2005
    great story love it please update soon i would love to read some more ... well later for now

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  • From ANON - shmlss on September 28, 2005
    WOOOO! guerilla magick, witches and wizards! it's fabulous. more. and more and more!
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  • From ANON - Miss Melody Ann Rivers on September 27, 2005
    Ha, I love you! Ok this plot is really just like, pulling me in. It is all so so so so so so very well thought out and very creative and imaginative. It always leaves me guessing what will be next, so I always look for things in the smallest of details. It normal never pans out, but it wonderful to be so enveloped by the story. It's just like how I feel about the books, like if you concentrate hard enough everything will make sence. I am loving this little nagging in Severus about this 'something' he doesn't want to tell Herminone. But then again, she is tough, I think she can take it. I also am thinking that poor herminone may have to be Mira some more to get a foot up on malfoy, now that he is so obessed with her. That won't go well with Severus im sure... Cann't wait for more, to prove myself ever so wrong, and to be blown away with what I don't think of! Please, do continue! I am your fan forever!
    ~Miss Melody Ann Rivers~
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  • From ANON - fraser on September 27, 2005
    arg, i can't wait for the next chapter
    UPDATE SOON, please?
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  • From ANON - Lunelwe on September 25, 2005
    I found this story and have been reading it avidly ever since. I was sooooooo sad to find out that it ended at this chapter and that I need to wait for more. The plot is so gripping, and I think the way you go about explaining things is perfect. You've made Snape's character completely believable, and although he's done so much wrong in his past, and he is stupidly not telling Hermione everything, you've still got me rooting for him and hoping beyond hope that whatever it was she'll be able to forgive him. I love the way we get glimpses of him when his guard is down, and also see him the way he see himself through his thoughts. You've actually made me like Severus and long for him to eventually open up fully and really become the great man he obviously has the potential to be here.

    I'm a Cellist myself (or try to play- i'm not very good), and so I've also greatly appreciated the bits about the music. The cello is just perfect for expressing that sort of longing for things to be better and that grief that words just don't explain, and the feeling when you're playing it is amazing. You really can get lost in it, and the cello becomes almost a part of yourself, a tool for expressing your deepest emotions that you just don't know how to explain in any other way.

    PLEASE, PLEASE update soon. I'll come and check regularly to see if its been updated. I really want to know what comes next. And thank you so much for putting time into writing this story and posting it so that people like me get to read it. (Thanks also to your beta- no errors (at least none that I spotted)- and this makes the story so much easier and more enjoyable to read. Thanks again!!!
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  • From ANON - gypsy on September 23, 2005
    so many twists and turns i'm getting dizzy. update soon.
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  • From wormey on September 22, 2005
    awww.... i love the second cello part with hermione and snape. it reminded me of the pottery scene in "Ghost".
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  • From ANON - killisandra on September 21, 2005
    ah ha i love it as always. Please continue
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  • From ANON - Melody on September 21, 2005
    Wow! That was like, 10 times better than anything I had thought up! You rock, hard! I just love the picture of this poor tormented Snape, only finding solice in the company of Death Eaters. Very nice plot indeed!
    ~Miss Melody Ann Rivers~
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  • From ANON - anniee on September 21, 2005
    oo i like this story soooooo much!
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