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Reviews for The Unfortunates

By : Grill
  • From ANON - gypsy on July 25, 2005
    so happy u've updated. lovely chapter, keep 'em comin.
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  • From ANON - Emma on July 24, 2005
    I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a huge Hermione/Snape Shipper. This story is very, very well written. Keep up the great job!
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  • From ANON - Divine Angel on July 24, 2005
    I'm so glad you updated, I'm still with you and still loving every twist and turn.

    (Just wanted to point out a typo you missed, an unnecessary "the" before Inverness!)

    Keep it up, I can't wait to see what will happen next and if Severus will be ok.
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  • From ANON - katthebrat18fl on July 20, 2005 , oh please email me when this is updated!!! That was awesome! and to leave and evil cliffy as ron at the end....poor severus ....please save him....oh no...Write soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - lauralaurlaurashaw on July 19, 2005
    no way girl, i definitely didn't expect it to be ron, i'm not gonna lie. but dududuududes, i hate CLIFFHANGERS&DRACO MALFOY. I'm excited . Update you whore, I love this shit!!!
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  • From ANON - cloverchild on July 15, 2005
    I love your story. Its different and refreshing. I found it and have been reading ever since. :) I hope you update soon!! I cant believe you left us with such a cliffie!! I cant wait to see what happens next!! Please update soon!!:):)
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  • From ANON - o_0 on July 12, 2005
    OMG!!!! RON!!!!!!!
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  • From lysa1 on July 11, 2005
    Okay... first you make me cancel appointments, even stopping myself from going to this evenings Cr
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  • From ANON - killisandra on July 11, 2005
    oh i really hate you now! She found Ron! I'm so excited..oooh please write more, pretty please write more. I'm so happy you updated. Thank you thank you thank you. Gah, I could hug you. *hugs and gives you cookie* yay!!
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  • From lysa1 on July 11, 2005
    Haven't read your story for a while and was happy to discover a lot of new chapters. So I just started all over reading. This is certainly a very well written story. I like your plot so far, I like the canon Malfoys, I like that it takes place in a Voldy-won-AU. I like the desperate situation in which you have put Hermione - or rather I hate it, and as you write it, the reader (me) is definitely not in doubt that she does too.
    My only problem now ( I am right in the middle of reading ch. 10 ) is that I have to leave home for a trip to Copenhagen and will be back in front of my computer very late. And I don't want to leave. I am trying to find a valid excuse not to go just because I want to read more! I'd say you've done a proper job capturing your readers, then?
    Now on with the chapter ...
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  • From Arabella on July 10, 2005
    ... and the plot thickens!
    Wonderfully done - keep writing!

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  • From ANON - gypsy on July 10, 2005
    how dare u leave off there! you mean,amazing author! plz don't be twice as cruel by making everyone wait on top of it all. (so happy he's alive by the way)
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  • From ANON - cdkobasiuk on July 09, 2005
    Yay! Ron's alive.! Great chapter. Good idea with the portkey.

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  • From ANON - K on July 09, 2005
    QUIT WITH THE CLIFFIES YOU JERK :P Haha I wasn't expecting that at all! I'd completely forgotten about Ron. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Chelsea on July 09, 2005
    OMG i love it! You are one of the most talented people i have ever had the pleasure to meet! lol. It's a great story and i love it. I"m sooo happy that ron is alive!! Get to writting! Someone has to! lol
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