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Reviews for The J. Alfred Prufrock Arc: Part II

By : Hanakai
  • From foxracerchick129 on May 24, 2005
    lol I dont know what I was thinking in my last review. I meant that Ive read all the fics before this one (( i think there are 9? )) and I love them all!

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  • From foxracerchick129 on May 23, 2005
    Wow, Vain. I mean Wow. This fic, just draws me in and keeps me there. Its like i had to finish reading this fic, I just love it. Ive read the two fics before this, and I love all three. And I cannot wait to see what happens next...

    Like, when Severus finally accepts what is between him and Harry. (( If he hasnt done that already )), And what is with Myrtle, OOh and what is down in the Chamber.

    I think theres just something about the way you write it, like even with the parts that arent actually the character's thoughts, It seems that they are. Urgh, if that makes any sense, lol. Anyway, I love your writing, and I LOVE this fic!

    - Jessica
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  • From ANON - ldf on January 16, 2005

    as always, you have moved me. you are such a fluid
    and wonderful writer. i am honestly humbled by your
    talent and ability.

    as with everything else, this is fantastic. i ever look
    forward to seeing your work and dipping further into
    the darkness and desperation that you give both
    Harry and Severus so well.

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