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Reviews for Trembling under the sheets

By : drangelicus
  • From Aline on June 28, 2005
    Hey, I really liked the way you writted it, its no use to delude ourselves in to think life's perfect, and that some things never happens, I think it's very well written.
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  • From Nishi on June 06, 2005
    Also, you should note, that people who flamed your fic becasue they were closed minded, had very little to say, and never logged in. To pay any mind to someone, who wants to ignore obvious and rather upfront warnings, but doesn't want to give you the chance to see what THEY write, well that is to hypocritical for me. They're just retarded, and your tense didn't bother me at all.

    Sorry, I just had to say it.
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  • From Nishi on June 06, 2005
    Wow, and I thought I was dark. I really enjoyed your take on this. It is rare to find someone who portrays Harry as less than perfect, it seems most bypass the obvious hints at abuse in his past. You have captured that and your unique view on this really makes your writing stand out amoung the rest. So good job and keep writing, also don't worry if others don't like it, I have personally never let it bother me, and there are plenty of people who have flamed me and given me a one star rating. You should always be proud of your work, your mind really had to think to get this creative side story, so therefore I think it is very unfair to yourself to tell others not to read your work. I read it, and I enjoyed it, and you should too.
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  • From ANON - DarknessSparkles on January 20, 2005
    Oh that is so sad and horrible! ...*sniff* Poor Harry! I can't say I enjoyed it very much; it was too awful! Still ... it got me thinking. "Regular" Vernon seems like a nice man now! Hehe ... So I thank you for that
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 20, 2005
    the set up is bad, the writing with the bouncing tenses rags. We have enough violence agt out our children in this world for someone to write this. don't do this again.
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  • From ANON - Saria on January 20, 2005 do love rape fics. A lot. Although, Harry/Vernon isn't one of my more liked, this fic was rather...enjoyable
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  • From ANON - HellFenix on January 20, 2005
    interesting idea... Harry/ Uncle Vernon? hmm...
    but i think i should tell you: your tense in the fic is terrible, makes reading a pain in hte 'rump'.
    and no, this is not a flame- well not really...
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  • From ANON - Beth Mitchell on January 20, 2005
    This is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. I couldn't get past the first paragraph, because I had to run to the bathroom and vomit.
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  • From ANON - Anna on January 20, 2005
    I can't believe anyone could even write something like this. Yuck
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