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Reviews for Irreversible Destiny

By : SheWolfe7
  • From ANON - Chrys on January 23, 2007
    I really enjoyed this story. The world you so masterfully created is truly brilliant and I cant wait for the next installment. Keep up the wonderful work and I look forward to the next ^_^

    Ja Ne
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  • From ANON - Katonie on December 19, 2006
    Thank you for updating! This story makes me so HAPPY*tears running down face* Please keep going! I am addicted to this story, and I will die if you don't update!
    You are such a great writer. Keep it up!
    Till next time then...
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  • From ANON - jupimako on December 16, 2006
    this story was absolutely amazing. your smutt!muse did a good job, and your characters were so much fun to read... i especially loved the interactions between harry and cy in the beginning, and the developments of relationships bet sev, lv, and cy later on. your use of the dementers was brillent as well. i can't put into words how much i enjoyed reading it XD. it will be so hard to wait for chapter one of the sequel to arrive!! i hope you're able to post it sometime soon and rl doesn't interfear to much.
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  • From ANON - Euston on December 09, 2006
    I have enjoyed reading this story and loon forward to the sequal!
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  • From ANON - LadyVaughan on December 03, 2006
    I love it! It was soo worth the wait. but if you could don't make us wait that long again. I understand if you have to though. :) I can't wait until the next one is up and ready. I love this story line! please have book two up as soon as you can!!!!

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  • From ANON - BEWDS on December 02, 2006
    #squees# I couldn't resist! I had to read that first scene and I'm glad I did.

    I don't know what you might have picked up from odd places, but if you changed some of the more obvious names and tweaked it just a tad it COULD be an original story. #heart#

    I believe I'm about to start chapter 22, but that will have to wait. I'm going to be dragged off to an early Christmas gift exchange/anime party, but I'll be back...

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  • From ANON - Elfwyn on November 30, 2006
    Wow, this was an awesome story! I spent two days reading it and had a hard time turning away. I was disappointed that Kohinoor didn't get what she deserved but I guess I'll have to wait for the sequel. I love Cy characteristics and hope you don't change them with the awaking of kyndrak. Personally I would love to see some of Kohinoor plans fail, after all Primordials can't be perfect and Cy deserves to rule as he pleases after all the shit he's been through. I love the ending as Voldemort and Cy got back together but you didn't mention if the bond was functioning. The only thing I wish to see more of was Severus in the role of father, even if Cy doesn't need one. More torture for Dumbledore would be good too! Waiting eagerly for the sequel--have a good holiday, Elfwyn
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  • From AkumaKawa on November 30, 2006
    LOVE IT!!!
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  • From 4evafic on November 28, 2006
    cool fic!!! loved the way you did the plot.. really interesting and i can't get enough of it.. pls update soon!!
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  • From AkumaKawa on October 22, 2006
    Keep up the absolutely brilliant work, coolsa.
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  • From ANON - Alar on October 22, 2006
    Awesome story. Engrossing, enthralling, incredible. I hope you're happy. I had originally planned to work but this story rendered me incapable of doing anything else except read and keep reading. Great plot and interesting developments. Can't wait until the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - netta on September 13, 2006
    omg. ur story freakin owns!!! LUV IT!!! please update soon.
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  • From ANON - va on September 13, 2006
    WOW!!! its taken me a few days to read what you have so far. this fic is bloody brilliant. i hope you update soon. you must have done sooo much research.
    Cya, VA
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  • From ANON - Lindsay on September 12, 2006
    I just found and read ID and it is an excellent story. Unlike some evil Harry stories Harry is ruthless and goes after what he wants anyway he needs to, but he has not become sadistic and has not come to enjoy it. It is far removed from the harry potter stories, yet it has just enough of them to still keep my interest. I can't wait for the last chapter and am even more eager for the sequel. Keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Aayesha on September 05, 2006
    *Squeee!* Another chapter of ID! Everything is coming down to the wire, and you have me biting my nails with the tension. I can't wait for the last chapter to see what happens. I know RL keeps you from writing as fast as we would like, but please know that we are patiently and enthusiastically waiting. Thanks for all the work you put into this story, and for sticking with it.
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