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Reviews for Irreversible Destiny

By : SheWolfe7
  • From ANON - colonolhavoc on September 03, 2006
    damn girl! do you know how long it took me to read this whole thing??? It was well worth it though. You have an amazing talent and I can't wait for the last chapter. I really hope that Voldy and Cy and up together and content.

    much luv,
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  • From ANON - Amazon on September 02, 2006
    Smut and more!!!
    I have missed this story so much. It keeps one guessing and learning with all the twists and new plots. I love it. So much. Please, please, please never end this.
    I just might cry.
    Smut and love, always.
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  • From ANON - lazycrazykitten on September 01, 2006
    Yay!!! I can't believe this story is almost done. And you also started Good Intentions, so I'll have another good story to read.
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  • From ANON - Firena on July 29, 2006
    I just finished your story and it's amazing. I can't wait for the next update.
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  • From ANON - Lothirielwen on July 27, 2006
    Ahhh man!!!
    I really really hope that you get a chance to update this soon!
    Look forward to reading more of this
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  • From ANON - Roxanne on June 30, 2006
    UPDATE!!!!!!! Please, Pleease, PLeeeeeaaasssseeee, Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee, I really really like ID Really I tend to be an impatient person but as long as I know that you will update I wont bother you too much I'll still bother you but not as much :D but please update it's a really good fic. I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Roxanne on June 25, 2006
    WOW I really Like your fic. I can't wait until you finish it, or just update. I don't usually read a fic until it's complete because I'm a very impatient person but your fic is good enough to wait for but I don't want to wait forever. Well hope you update soon. Can't wait. :D Like I said I really like your fic.
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  • From RandomDispatcher on January 21, 2006
    Woo-hoo! You go girl! Ascyltus and Cy *drools*! bout time! Voldie's gonna be so miffed! *evil laugh* and Snape's reaction to the pregnancy scare was great - I'd have loved it if he'd passed out! :P Anyway, great job chick! Looking forward to more!
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  • From ANON - DustFactory on January 16, 2006
    God damn it! Finish it! Why?! Why?! *Cries with anguish* WHY?!
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  • From ANON - Jenifer on January 07, 2006
    This has been rgeat. Usually I don't read slash, but this is fantastic. I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - stardust on December 16, 2005
    I'm hooked. The plot is wonderful and despite my initial distaste at the thought of Harry and LV (took me a while to figure out who that was) the storry drew me in and i can't help but sympathize and wish Harry (Cy) the best. Please update soon. You've done a wonderful job of presenting a new look on things so I can't help but want Cy and LV together.
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  • From ANON - didi25 on December 15, 2005
    graet story i love it keep the good work!
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  • From ANON - Lothirielwen on December 14, 2005
    Oh holy crap....
    It took me about three days to read what you have from start to chapter 24.....
    I am beyond impressed with this fic... I love it!!!
    I'm actually rather on the speechless side. It's obvious that you work hard on it and put alot of time and effort into each chapter.
    Keep it up and I soo can't wait to read more of it
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  • From ANON - Veela Rabid Fangirl on December 12, 2005
    lovly chapters deary
    tho i must admit i was sorely disappointed with cy for bedding that dreadful lych
    sorry, i wish he could stay loyal to poor sweet voldy ,
    ah well, chapters to come, dont forget to much aboutt life tryin to make that deadline !
    may your muses bless you *bribes the muses with cookies*
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  • From ANON - JJ on December 11, 2005
    Where to begin???? Why would his body guards let him go on stage and be cut up like that? Why did he collect his earnings? I mean, really, does he need the money? Did his act make the newspapers I wonder. Was it a way to help secure the vampire's or did he do it for kicks. The battle was out of this world, literally (I mean, how do you think up something like this????). If that was just a series of revels, what would all out war be like? I mean, the way they are killing Aurors, won't the MOM run out??? And the fight in front of the Deatheaters, was a great way to share info (and squig out Snape), but it was hardly adult. You did cover it well with the memory web so Ruin didn't have to suffer the consequences. There was so much packed into the chapter that I'm just in awe of your writing, story telling, and typing skills. I hope Harry/Ruin/Cyricuse will eventually have a happy ending. . . but the further you get into this, the more I believe that no one will have one. He'll be lucky if he just gets to die and go to hell without too much suffering. Pain seems to be his way of life so he has nothing to look forward to, unless as he says just staying sane is enough out of life. Now you left us with two wonderful cliffie's: The minister of magic's wife is ambitious and his cover as Cyricuse was blown. Have a wonderful holiday yourself. I look forward to seeing how you solve those cliffie's.
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