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Reviews for Irreversible Destiny

By : SheWolfe7
  • From ANON - JJ on October 17, 2005
    I'm new to this story and after only 7 chapters I'm hooked!!! This isn't like anything I've seen before. It weaves so many different elements together as to almost be a new creation. I can't wait to read what else is written. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Eaiva le Fay on September 17, 2005
    I can just imagine the household is in an uproar, but frankly I don't blame Cy. I'd hide out from all of that too. fact it rather amuses me that he has probably seriously freaked out/worried some of the other "unflappable" personalities. *amused*

    It is so very, VERY wrong that I found that Dementor/Harry kiss so...lovely. And attractive. OOH, and they've certainly turned into pretty beings- it doesn't appear to be permanent; is it, or not? Why did it fade off the other two and not the Dementor Lord; because he is the one who kissed Cy? It faded off him later... Can Cy make it permanent?

    So Cy's arm will never be entirely healed? It'll still be somewhat fragile and sensitive to magic?

    The Primordal Beings sure have quite the tale to tell, and quite a history. It is fascinating and wonderful to learn about. You've created a fantastic universe and background. It's just incredible.

    GO CY! I so love that he's not letting them think him a tool.

    And Ascyltus/Harry is the hottest thing... But Voldemort is the jealous type, and I'm such a Voldemort/Harry fan... I hope this won't cause a lot of rifts between them, and I can't help but wonder if Voldemort or Cy will say something about Ascyltus. And what would be said..? Are they going to break up (only to get back together later, of course, if that vision Cy had is true) or just fight, or even talk about it, or will it just pass by them silently? And is Ascyltus a permanent fixture for Cy, or temporary? *so curious*

    This Keiran character is interesting! I like him already.

    Cy is so proud, though I wonder if he'll be able to hide his one "weakness" from his, er, family, forever? Won't Morgan die? She has lived a long time by this point, and she is mortal isn't she?

    "Even blindfolded and drunk Cyriacus could take all of them with both hands tied behind his back and under the influence of a Befuddlement Charm."

    ...this just had me laughing hysterically. Oh god. GOOD LINE! *amused*

    Keiran the vampiric Master is jealous? *grin* Cy just surrounds himself with jealous men, doesn't he? Makes me wonder if Ascyltus is the jealous type.

    This was an absolutely fabulous chapter! I loved every facet of it. Every single letter and word. I can't wait to see how the Dark Congress works out. :D Wonderful work, unsurprsingly. And still always leaving me on the edge of my seat even when it's not really a cliffhanger.

    Oh! I did get your email last chapter and did plan on responding (I still will unless you don't want me to). Sorry it's been so long. My email has kind of gone insane with large amounts of mail. *sheepish*

    So much love for you!
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  • From ANON - Missi on September 15, 2005
    If I offer to make a big fancy turkey dinner with all the trimmings, do you thik Smut!Muse would come visit? I love that Cy's feeding and eating at the same time! Will the convoluted craziness in his blood be a problem for Scourge? I love how things are setting up!! Will we be seeing Viktor's first overtures soon? Thanks for this amazing update-I eagerly anticipate the Oct. edition!!
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  • From ANON - momoko on September 15, 2005
    good chapter
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  • From ANON - Irihi Safaia on September 14, 2005
    Brilliant. *hums happily* We see yet ANOTHER side of him and meet another new character as well. I'm utterly pleased and can't wait for more. *slips you some rope to tie down the sluttiness muse*
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  • From ANON - Jennifer on September 14, 2005
    I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!! Are you going to have Voldemort get on to harry for kissing the D.L.? I really do love this story. I hope you update soon. very good chapter , the best so far. I think. can't wait til the next one. please update as soon as you can.
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  • From ANON - Jennifer on September 14, 2005
    I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!! Are you going to have Voldemort get on to harry for kissing the D.L.? I really do love this story. I hope you update soon. very good chapter , the best so far. I think. can't wait til the next one. please update as soon as you can.
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  • From ANON - ailisa on September 14, 2005
    that was great!!!! can't wait for more!!!!
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  • From ANON - momoko on August 18, 2005
    hello, good story, I love it, and poor Cy his life is really fucked up, I hope it end well for him, bye
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  • From Tamura on August 16, 2005
    you know, i think i may have reviewed this before, none the less, i am thoroughly enjoying this story. every chapter brings about a new twist, new surprises.
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  • From ANON - icestar on August 15, 2005
    oh, interesting. liked the prophetic dreams.

    very nice chapter. poor cy, never gets a break.

    :thumbs up:
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  • From ANON - VeelaRabidFangirl on August 15, 2005
    yaaaaaaaaaaaaay lovly new chapter ^^ XD
    ty for posting again !! *gives SPECIAL cookies*
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  • From ANON - jillypooh on August 15, 2005
    Damn! And I thought I was having a shitty week. Glad I don't have a couple of intense prophecies hanging over my head! Love your story, keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - Missi on August 14, 2005
    Thank you sosososo much for updating!! I so love this fic!!
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  • From ANON - Ciar on August 13, 2005
    Love the story, I've been sitting here reading it all night. (Yes I am quite tired now, thank you very much) Please update as soon as possible, I need to know what happens O_o
    Like. Now. Now!

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