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Reviews for Irreversible Destiny

By : SheWolfe7
  • From ANON - starr on May 22, 2015
    OMFG where are you !!!!! please you need to finish this..I have never read anything like this and I am so hooked !!!!! this is wonderfully written ..plsplsplspls come back !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ti-tun on November 17, 2014
    Seems like a good story of what I could read...beside of the fonting or rather formating problems, this story is old..but nice.
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  • From ANON - Andrea Readwolf on October 31, 2012
    I'm quite annoyed that Real Life had the audacity to drag you away from this story line. This is the second time I've had the opportunity to read this story--although I never finished the first time because the =cuts= started to annoy me...and loo and behold! The uncut version! Yea! I'm so thrilled to have finally read this through from beginning to end (AFF's first few chapters have a bit of a coding problem that, if you ever have a spare minute or hour, you might want to go back and reload, btw.)....


    The complete metamorphasis of Harry's character from beginning to end.... Amazing. I mean, we got to see some of his new attitude at the beginning, but the break away, especially when he took on Snape's name... And the readjustment towards Voldemort---Gotta admit, although I'm a fan of LV/HP, I have an extemely difficult time imaging Harry calling out "Voldemort" during sex. ^_^;; It just... [snorts] I'm sorry, but... "flight from death" and "fuck me harder" just don't fit well together in my head. ^_^;;

    A lot of original characters--I like the detail and effort you put forth to make those characters belivable and interesting. Definitely interested in seeing some of the First Kind, getting more of their personalities and backgrounds. Sometimes, though, I feel a little left out not having some occassional connection to the old cast. I mean, one-on-one, how are Sirius and Remus really taking it? How much do they know now of Harry's destiny...and how will the react when they find out the rest? I had an image of Hermione lying dead in the streets of Hogsmeade...I was very upset. Glad to know that hasn't happened yet, but I do wonder, if given the option, would she except and follow the Dragon, especially if given the opportunities to excell and shine? Then there's Harry's Little General Set... lots of little nuggets of scenes that could be shared there.... I mean, seriously--can't you just see Draco's reaction when he discovers not only is he top dog, but he's subservient to *Potter*?!?! There are these Lestrange boys, though, who are still practically strangers--always plays a little havoc with my brain when they're mentioned because they haven't quite solidified their spot in the story for me yet...

    The two prohecies... the plot circling within a plot circling around another plot... Quite ambitious a story line you've set up for yourself. I know it's been a long time since you've found yourself able to write, but I also know you said you wouldn't just leave your stories abandonned. So. I'm not going to ask you to "hurry up and write more soon"--never liked those reviews when I was writing and posting, and always felt that if I was moved enough to actually hit the [feedback] link, I wanted to leave more than just a wishy-washy "it was good" or "I really liked it".

    Instead, I'd like to request: sometime over the next week or so, if you can't carve out a little time for yourself and actually reread the story you've written here. It's a good one--and very good one, with a huge whopping load of potential to be one of the great must-reads of its genre/pairing. And then, if the muse should happen to reignite...well, then... I suppose it *is* almost NaNoWriMo time! ^__~v And if that muse should happen to reignite, and you find yourself battling with plot lines and possiblities that need to be thought out, talked out, and worked through... well, you have my email and I went and signed on to your yahoogroups, too, if I can help at all. ^_^v

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  • From ANON - Morrolan on July 11, 2011
    Reviewed this on but was unaware that you had not posted any of the sequel yet, or if you did you'd taken it down. So I guess I won't be reading the sequel later then... Ah well. Hope you do post soon.
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  • From twistaddicted on December 22, 2009
    Still an interesting fic. Thank you.
    I know it is fashionable now to eliminate as many commas as possible, however it would be easier to comprehend the exact meaning of many of your sentencse if you added a few more commas. Separating thoughts with commas might eliminate ambiguities and having to read a sentence twice or thrice to discover what you intended it to mean.
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  • From twistaddicted on December 22, 2009
    Interesting start - I'm eager to read more.
    BTW, Here: Macnair glared at Harry as he set his hand on Lucius
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  • From Ewe on March 11, 2009
    What the.....that's it......oh please...oh please tell me there is more on the way
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  • From ANON - S.L. on September 20, 2008
    Awesome story! Will you update soon? If you do can you tell me at Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Sasha on January 29, 2008
    Aah, my second time reading this and I still love it! I eagerly await the sequel, as I know it will be just as good, if not better, than ID is. Many props to the author and betas.
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  • From Sheli on December 06, 2007
    Your story is riveting. I'm not normally an HP Fic fan and you're only the second author for this fandom that I've found worth reading. You are a master story teller and I'll continue to read this story until you've finished it. At first I thought that this would be another "Boy-who-lived" returns to save the day story. I'm glad I was wrong. You've taken this character far beyond any imagining and made him deeper and more complex than ever.
    Also I was pleased to find that this wasn't just another "misunderstood" Voldemort story where he's really the good guy and Dumbledore's the bad guy. Voldemort is evil and Harry/Cy has to serve him whether or not he wants to. I have to admit that I was a bit lost by all the detailed descriptions of the sacrifices and rituals and such but that does not detract from the story.
    I was also wondering when someone from the "Light" side would figure out that Harry and Cy were the same person. Very interesting who that person turned out to be. I like your style. Please do continue with the exemplary story telling. I look forward to the next instalment.
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  • From ANON - Catherine on November 25, 2007
    ID is one of my favorite HP fics of all time. I'm sure you hear that a lot. It also has my favorite pairing. Really, I'm just reviewing to say how awesome you and the fic are and to say I"m eagerly awaiting PD whenever it starts.
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  • From ANON - chineseartist on September 19, 2007
    well, after re-reading the fic, for what i'm sure is something close to the tenth time, i've concluded that you're a gift from on high to me personally (oh, and all those other people who like to read fanfiction, them too) and that i will most certainly read precarious destiny when it comes out. i can't wait. Just letting you know we're still out here.
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  • From ANON - GY on March 06, 2007
    Hey I review your 'Good Intentions' couple days back and started to read up on your other stories. Irreversible Destiny is another story that I am glad I did not miss.
    However I was wondering, why can't Harry just shadow stalked from Regalis District? Does it need to fufil certain criterias before he can use this gift?

    Between, I am glad that Voldemort is going to recive Razul's 2nd gift. As he seems to be weak infront of Harry and I wonder how they can be equal partners when Harry seems to outweigh him alot in terms of power.

    Eager to read your next story and how things will turn out for them.
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  • From ANON - dani on February 14, 2007
    I love this story and i am curious to know what happens!! Update soon and keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - frozenrose on February 04, 2007
    AAAAAAAGGGHHH!! You haven't uploaded Precarious Destiny onto AFF yet! This is the only place I can find your story too! So anyways, I loved your story and I hope that you get around to uploading Precarious Destiny fast cause I can't wait to see what happens next! Yay for M-preg!!!
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