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Reviews for A Reason To Be

By : quininare
  • From ANON - amber on February 16, 2005
    I think it is great. I just started reading it but i am caught up an would like to read me so update soon.
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  • From ANON - Marielle on February 15, 2005
    WOW! Just read all 36 chapters in about two hours.. that was GREAT! I can't wait for the next one! awesome story/plot.
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  • From ANON - Liz on February 15, 2005
    LOVE YOUR STORY!!! It's now one of my favorites. I love how you developed Hermione and Draco's relationship naturally. It was all very believable. I love your characters! Please update soon! I dying in suspense.
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  • From ANON - Jordan on February 14, 2005
    Oh wow... That is excellent writing and I must admit... I'd never felt much about Draco before reading your story. Let me say that has definitely changed! Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Amara Nevena Malfoy on February 13, 2005
    I'm really glad you're back and I absolutely love this story. It's intoxicating....I just want to keep finding out wha happens next. Also....I hope Hermione at least finds out that the bracelet is from Draco. That would be so sweet.
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  • From ANON - AngelGurl on February 13, 2005
    i luv this story so far! at first i was readin inuyasha fanfics but then i had a sudden erge 2 read harry potter fics and out of all the stories i luv this one the BEST!!!!!!!! i hope that u update REALLY soon cuz i REALLY wanna know what happens...i'm tryin 2 write my own story right now but i wish i could write like u but unfortunatly i'm not that good....but neways....i really like this story that i read the whole thing in like's 12:30am and i wish there was more 2 it so i could read some more even though i'm like asleep ur story's the only thing keepin me awake!!!!!! u gots 2 update SOON and plz don't stop this story...EVER!!!!!!!!!! xo_Angel*Gurl_ox
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  • From ANON - Kate on February 11, 2005
    i love this story so much. It's by far my favourite. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - paula on February 11, 2005
    omg this is a very very very good story. i read all 35 ch at once. it took me about 5hours and im falling asleep right now but i dont care. ohhh i hate suspence. who is the person? dame cliff hangers.:P write more soon cant wait. ohh dose draco and herminy? get together sometime soon? :D
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  • From ANON - Lee Swain on February 11, 2005
    Dang great story keep them coming, i like where this is going. It is nice to see another side of Draco and what he can possibly be capable of. Not everyone who has bad parents has to turn out just like them. Can't wait to read more of this.
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  • From ANON - liz on February 11, 2005
    Hello again! Still awsome awsome story. just had to comment on this one part thought:

    " This was no easy task. Common sense suggested that centaurs and stairs did not mix at all. They were too large and it was difficult to navigate the stairs with four legs. The steps were steep; a single hoof could barely fit on a step. He moved extremely slowly, arms outstretched slightly at his sides to give him balance. "

    Actually, horses can travel up and down stairs easily. In the medievil ages, the reason why narrow/circular stair cases (especially circular) were common was to preven horses from being able to go up the stairs. Random that I know that huh? I think it had something to do with defenses, so that an attacker couldn't easily ride a horse where ever they wanted around a castle. Like those defending the castle, the attacker would have to be on foot, removing an unfair advantage.

    Granted Hogwarts is a VERY old castle, but I think because of the large student body, it probably would not have too many round stair cases. =)

    Anyways, Good chapter!

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  • From ANON - liz on February 10, 2005
    I like the energetic feeling I get when I read you're story! Its a really good idea so far and I like what you've done with it.

    Though, sometimes the writing style seems a little redundant. (I know it wasn't this chapter, but earlier, Hermione woke up late because she forgot to set her alarm. You both narrate that and have Hermione say it... I think you do it in a few other places too.)

    Also I think you do a good job of writing Draco's character, but Pansy's inner-commentary seems a little immature for the age she's supposed to be, and Hermione doesn't quite seem herself. (I don't know, I just can't picture her saying something like "I hate this shit." in reference to a class, you know?)

    The last thing I have to say is about the formatting for the conversation between the painting and Draco. I think if you write the conversation in French, and maybe put the English in (apprenthesis) after, it would be easier to read. Right now its kind of distracting to have only French. Basically I skim that part and then go to the bottom to read it. Especially when there is an actually dialogue and not just like two words, having multiple * and ** *** *************** gets kind of hard to deal with.

    But wow! I think my absolute favorite part of this story so far is the semi-friendly banter between Dumbledore and Draco! I like the fact that Draco is mature enough to deal with it, and even seems to start respecting the headmaster a little (if not unwillingly).

    Oh!!! And the pokernight thing was GREAT! I loooved it! I just wanted to comment before I forgot these things. I'm definately going to keep reading! This is such an interesting story so far.
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  • From ANON - Lady T on February 10, 2005
    Finally!!!!! I have read this story at least 3 times, it is by far my fav .Please keep updating new chapters:)
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  • From ANON - lemon5252 on February 10, 2005
    finally! another chapter! i love this fic, i was desolate when you were not updating. please update soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - Bree on February 10, 2005
    Yay! A new chapter... Yay :) I really enjoy this story, but I am beginning to wonder, when do Hermoine and Draco finally figure it all out? Is Hermoine going to know about Draco's "special" gift? Oh I hope so because I don't want him to shut her out. They were beginning to get along so well, and I know that they're gonna realize their affections for one another, soon... right? Thanks for the quick update, and I cannot wait for more ;)
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  • From ANON - Tara on February 10, 2005
    Yay!! i'm so happy it's back! thanks so much for not leaving the story abandoned, and please continue to do so!
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