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Reviews for Temerity

By : MajaLi
  • From ANON - armitage43 on September 27, 2005
    *sweatdrops* goodf grief LOL I already read and reviewed this once LOL!! Good job I have a good memory... NOT LOL ^_~ t was much love all the same ^_~

    *more hugs n stuff*

    Ryouga, the... needs to sleep braindead personage!
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  • From ANON - armitage43 on September 27, 2005
    Surprise LOL! I got off my ass made some time and finally got to read one of your fics. Temerity was an excellent fic. I loved the Draco POV at the beginning and end they were fun!!

    *hugs and smooches*

    Ryouga (author of Dangerous Affairs)
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  • From ANON - crystal on September 01, 2005
    Wah, you should at least continue to the H/D parts~! >.< It was really interesting so please keep going!
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  • From ANON - gab on September 01, 2005
    ok. now we all know that it's good. so stop with the reposting of the same thing and update already!!!
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  • From ANON - Squall-sama on August 30, 2005
    It was slightly confusing here and there--as if you jumped from one thing to the next a little too quickly... but it's rather well written anyhow. There aren't huge spelling mistakes--thank Hyne. >.< It sound very interesting so far though--is going to be DracoxHarry? instead of HarryxDraco.... please, please, PLEASE let it be DracoxHarry!!!!!! *begs on my hands and knees*
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  • From armitage43 on May 30, 2005
    OIY, LOL. Fairs fair! I just updated Dangerous Affairs so how about updating this LOL. No leaving it here nuh uh no way ^_~

    *hugs* Ryouga chan (author Dangerous Affairs) ^_~
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  • From ANON - EBrahmsJ on March 29, 2005
    ~smacks head on desk~ Well no WONDER I haven't seen you online lately (even if you haven't been)! I was missing a part of your screen name!
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  • From ANON - EBrahmsJ on March 29, 2005
    Yay! I finally got to read the whole thing! Keep going, please. And keep up w/the Cabin 12 story (can't wait for the next installment! heehee...) And come back online sometime, will ya? Pleeeeeeease? We all miss you!!! Oh, and there was a slight error somewhere where you meant to make a word plural but accidentally put " 's " instead. I'll look back for it...but it's just a nit-picky thing, really. Still a lil confused as to what's going on with the lil girl...but I guess that'll be cleared up a bit in the next chapters^_^ ~EBJ, aka Kit, more or less...

    BTW...I'm thinking of doing a group piccy of the Cabin 12 charries. Do tell if you have any specific descriptions; I can't quite remember what Saeros looks like, or how Mahaliel's ears are shaped. Or the exact appearance of Cris/Michael (shall I assume that he/they look like that manga charry Me-chan based them on? hmmness...) Kit, Mathias, and Happy-Elf I'm good on (unless you've recently changed Mathias somehow...)
    More later! Luv ya!
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  • From ANON - gabby on March 15, 2005
    you're an awesome writer... but this whole one new paragraph at a time, driving me crazy! make with the new chapters already, your story looks so interesting.
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  • From ANON - gabby on March 10, 2005
    your an awesome writer. you're very visual. I love what your doing. one of the best harry potter fanfiction I've read yet.
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  • From ANON - Raquel on March 09, 2005
    OMG!!!!! Dude i wish i could write like you, you're totally as awesome as JK, plus probably way more cool to hang out with anyway :-D you better continue it cuz i wanna know what happens!!!
    love ya always
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  • From ANON - OrchidChaos on March 05, 2005
    I know I already reviewed already and it was a sucky one at that. But I want to tell you, author to author, even though we may only get a few reviews, our stories rock!

    I hope you update soon!
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  • From CountessErzsebet on March 03, 2005
    Well I'm intrigued. I like it. Keep it coming.
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  • From ANON - Lain Iwakura on March 02, 2005
    Le rawr *_*! Please get the next chapter up soon! As to the review.. What first attracted me was the summary you had posted. Honestly, it's probably one of the best I've ever seen. Though I didn't read your story right away, it kept drawing me back, and my mental mantra kept telling me to give it a try. Though... 'Uncle Tommy'?!? I'll never see Voldemort the same way again O__O :faints at her keyboard:. You got a delicious sense of details, and I'm intoxicated by both story and plotline. Please post the next chapter soon ^-^
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on March 01, 2005
    I'm very curious. Please continue!
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