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Reviews for Penndragonne

By : Tashasaphi
  • From ANON - Alexa on September 06, 2005
    You know you only have the replys yo reviews up? No actual chapter?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 02, 2005
    Oh holy moly! First Draco becomes himself and then he returns to Silver. Orion is in the school. He's made Hermione a spy. Oh wow! I need chapter 14!
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  • From ANON - Alexa on August 01, 2005
    Well, don't worry about the joke - I over-reacted.
    About Russia - believe me (as a former Russian) - it's illigal. Murder is illegal in Russia (as in most civilized countries), and this includes one's wife. It's not frowned upon - it's punishable by law, as any other murder. I might not know about every part of the many countries that were part of Russia till the split of the Union, but in what is called "Russia" currently, murder is illegal. I'm really surprised about what the Amnesty guy tolld you - sounds like people are describing a land with no civilization and law. Silly, really. It's just a place like any other, it's not even a third world country. Anyway, no big deal, just though you should know.

    I'm really worried about Silver forgetting who he is - poor Draco. Is it even going to be reversible? I hope so... I miss his fiesty spirit...
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  • From ANON - Alexa on June 07, 2005

    I've been reading your fic and I like it a lot.
    But I must say - the scene with figuring out Draco's sex... I don't see it in terms of animal abuse, but I am saying that if you wanted it to be a funny joke - it didn't quite work out. It gave the impression of: humiliation (a lot of it), rape (as in - forced into an unwanted sexual act), and some bondage. That is just the impression it gives. Using word like "nightmare" and showing how Silver was distraught afterwards - it's just not funny at all. It's realistic, and that is wxactly the point - it really wasn't funny for him. Saying that it's o.k. because he is a horny 17 year old makes no sence - if someone is 17, he cannot be abused by being forced into sex? Imagine a huge person, one you hate, with too much strength, like Hagrid, actually touching him while he can do nothing - it's not funny.

    Oh, and by the way - what gave you the impression that it's permitted to kill your wife in Russia? Hope you were joking there. Because if not - you really ofended me.
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  • From ANON - Queen mAlice on June 06, 2005
    love the story so far, but where is chapter 12?

    I just read all of it and my only complaint is that there is no harry draco action-in fact there is barely a Draco! please get to the food part soonish...please
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  • From ANON - duckeyedfool on June 06, 2005
    wonderful story, complex but brilliant. ahhh you did have to let him change back without harry seeing him. keep up the good work i love this story
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  • From Alexa on June 06, 2005
    Babe, you know you're missing a chapter, right? Cahpter 12 only has your A/N notes and responces to reviews. No actual story.
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  • From ANON - sbkar on June 06, 2005
    I've read up to chapter 11. You really and truly do have a remarkable story.

    But, the formatting and editing makes it difficult to follow at times; there is verb
    tense confusion as well as the feeling there are missing sentences, since I often
    felt I had missed something.

    Remember: break up the big paragraphs when you change ideas, points of view,
    etc.; space between paragraphs for readability; and, edit and spell-check. This isn't
    a flame; this is constructive criticism so that you construct some interest prose that
    is very engaging and reabable.
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  • From ANON - sbkar on June 05, 2005
    A point of clarity: When you decide to edit or repost this story,
    break up your paragraphs, even go for single spacing between paragraphs.
    It gets very hard to read when the paragraphs are so large; it almost induces
    a headache trying to keep the the lines of text coherent.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on June 05, 2005
    Can't wait for chapter 12! Will Harry start to get a clue in that chapter?
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  • From ANON - duckeyedfool on May 04, 2005
    i just realized you had less review than i thought, which is really weird as your story is excellent. just thought i'd let you know that i'm really enjoying this and please update soon.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on May 03, 2005
    Poor Silver! That was quite a lesson for him. Wish Harry knew what was going on and how to help. Dumstrang fell? Orien caused it to fall! Can't wait for chapter 12!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on March 11, 2005
    The link is broken! Silver slept through it. So does this mean Draco is no more? What happens next? I can't wait for chapter 11!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on March 07, 2005
    He took Draco's memories? So all he knows is that he's a pennedragonne? Oh wow! Yet he still acts the same to Harry. What happens now?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on February 24, 2005
    uh oh! I hope they don't get in trouble for releasing two of them. Night beast? Vampires? So how is Harry going to save "Silver"? I can't wait for chapter 9!
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