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Reviews for Penndragonne

By : Tashasaphi
  • From ANON - Rory on February 12, 2006
    it does have a few spelling errors but that really doesn't take away from the story, so you're good there. i really like silver and harry's interaction and malfoy-silver and harry's interaction. the only thing I don't like is lucius and his little liasons, but i understand that adds to the story on some basis, so good job!!~!!
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  • From ANON - kitkat on February 02, 2006
    very nice, really long chaps too, its so awesome
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  • From DreamRed on February 01, 2006
    Brilliant chapter. I can't wait for the next.
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  • From ravengirl76 on January 31, 2006
    Just me again, wanting to give you lots of encouragement from a fellow writer who thinks you have a lovely way with a story. I spit upon your flamers... best way to put the damned things out. ^_^ Please don't let the morons get you down, sweetie. There are a whole bunch of us who like your style!
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  • From ravengirl76 on January 31, 2006
    Draco as Harry's pet dragon... I like it! No nasty flames here. Thanks for writing and I hope you finishi the fic.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on January 31, 2006
    Holy moly! Need chapter 17! A quick stunning spell might be in order!
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  • From ANON - starsmore on December 08, 2005
    hi there :) it pleased me no end to hear that you are continuing this story. I only stumbled across it two days ago, and have been reading it non-stop in my spare time since. my heart caught in my throat and I was ready to scream bloody murder when it seemed as if you might give up on it- never even consider that- I will find you and beat you to death with a malfoy plushie!!! (a draco one, not lucius...)
    it seems as if you could do with some more positive vibes from your audience, so here goes: I am a university student from denmarc; I study what would roughly be translated as "the science of literature". now, what I am specialising in is actually slash fanfiction (and yaoi), which is, in my country, still such a rare thing to work with from a scientific point of view, that most of my time recently is taken up with finding texts of a high enough quality to warrant further study. (yay- I can read lots of yummy slash and actually get (students-) pay to do so :) ) and what I think you deserve to hear is, that after three months of studying literally hundreds of slash fanfics, your text is one of THE best I have read- I'll say it's made it into my personal top five list easily! the writing is elegant and infused with a wonderful sense of humor, that never seems to cross the line into base slapstick or cheap jokes. the characters are virbrant and alive and, more importantly, internally consistent throughout the lenght of the serial narrative. as you yourself point out, you do rely heavily on original characters, but in my point of view, this is not a weakness. on the contrary, I see real talent in the way you write these; it is almost impossible to introduce new characters into a universe such as the HP one. we alle know harry, and his personality has been established over the course of six books. if I, as a reader, am to believe aquilla and orion as characters in this setting, you have to make me know them and their patterns of reaction as wall as I know eg. harry's. what impressed me about these characters were not (only) that you made me believe them, but the fact that you made me feel as if i knew them that well without using more space to establish them than you give to, say, ron or harry. last, but definitely not least, I never feel lost in your plot, but rather quietly confident that you are taking me in the right direction. the ends of your sub-plots tie together very smoothly, and the story progress in an even tempo- it does not constantly jump between rambling along and creeping slowly forwards like too many fanfics do, but keep a more even pace that allows the mind of the reader to relax and ease into the story.
    I nealy choked when I read how relatively young you are- your writing is no doubt talented, but I was surprised that you have reached the level of professionalism you display in your writing at your age. I hope you do not take it as condescending when I say that I am honestly impressed!? please tell me that you are somehow studying to be a professional writer of sorts? :)

    yrs sincerely (and loads of fangirl hugs), starsmore (please write more penndragonne soon...)
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  • From ANON - Answers on November 22, 2005
    No problem, anytime you need to be reminded that youv'e got a great story, send me an email!
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  • From ANON - DIE on November 21, 2005
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  • From ANON - anon on November 21, 2005
    you rock and you are fabulous and just the most amazing person ever and not wimpy at all.
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  • From ANON - Nici on November 21, 2005
    hey! Please dont give up on your writing!!!..please...!!...I personally found Penndragonne extremely intriguing and am waiting to see how it ends!!....i think you have a great imagination and the characterization and plots are great too. really original stuff too,..Please continue writing and dont listen to people who write hurtful stuff....just wanted to let you know that there are people like me who are hooked on your story!!!
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  • From ANON - elohim_est_meo on November 20, 2005
    HI in just writing to let you know not all your reeders are A) IMPATIENT and B) FEEL THE NEED TO RANT ABOUT IT.I personaly enjoy your fic and was prepared to hang in for the long hawl.yes your plot is slow developing but that does not mean its bad! I think the tendernes and companioble love between harry andhis penndragonne, wich you have portrayed in vivid detail is sweet and funny, and this slow buildup lends credens to the posibility that there is the posebuility of harry and a emotionally damaged draco to have a future relationship. this way draco alredy knows he can trust harry....
    another point against your impaitient ranter is the fact thet you never promised this fic would be short, pople never rant if a fic uses 15chapters to build its plot if there are say 56 chapters. I think her rudenes stems from frustration that those chapters are not yet written.

    ANYHOW thats my rant, and a firm advise to ignore her(ore his?) rude remarcs.your storie is butifuly written,and the buildup between harry and draco is not lost on all your reades.i senseraly hope you find inspiraton to continue chapt.16 soon.
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  • From ANON - Answers on November 19, 2005
    Whoever said that about your fic was talking crap. I thought those first few chaps, were bloody fantastic! when Harry found Draco it was so funny i couldn't stop laughing for ages! And your plot is great, sure there are moments when the storys seems to be going a little slowly, but thats when the characters are built, plus nobody's story is perfect. If it were Harry and Draco would actually be together in Harry Potter!! I say you ignore that bitch, dont let her get to ya. If you stop writing then your letting them win. Pus you can['t leave it at a cliffy for too long! This is what i've been looking forward to, Draco becoming human! That way he and Harry can fall in love.... You cant do this to me! Youn just cant!1 please please plelase please please update soon!!!!! I liked you story idea about Draco and the tea, it was really funny "how much tea have you had Malfoy" Classic.
    I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANyone who doesn't is just crazy
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  • From ANON - Enigma_X on November 18, 2005
    I just wanted to drop a line and say that I've really enjoyeed Penndragonne. Frankly, I like it when stories take the time to flesh out situations and characters. I haven't thought the story is slow or boring at all. Some people are just impatient, that's all. Don't let a bad review get you down- your story's really good. I'm looking forward to reading more when you get it up.

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  • From ANON - Glue Project on November 18, 2005
    Oh...I hope your muses come back! People who flame like that should be barbequed themselves. (GRR.)

    Drace: (waves grill spatula, since he's a variation of Draco that works at McD's) YES! Those people should die. So what it the plot takes a bit to roll around? Why did they continue to read it if it bored them since chapter five?

    Aylene: And who says OC's are bad? (pouts) I'm an OC...kinda...and I wasn't given a reason for being there until later... (tugs on apron)

    I understand how reviews can getting a bad one, or not getting any at all.

    All us underapreciated authors should band together!

    Drace: (--_--') (rolls eyes at Glue's spelling and gramar)

    Oh! And something that has bugged me a bit from the begining-- 'This is not speech.' "This is talking out loud." ^^; Sorry! T'was just something that had bugged a little.

    (gets dragged away by her characters)

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