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Reviews for A Reason Why

By : kaye60c
  • From ANON - Inge on February 28, 2005
    Dearest Snapeslove!
    I would give you a 5-star rating for just being such a wonderful lady :-)
    But since this is also a great story - and hot, and steamy, and sad, - and everything else a great fic needs - I wish I could give you a double 5-star rating!
    I love it.
    It's one of the best I've read - and I've read many!
    We seldom get to read a slash-fic involving Lucius and Remus that is made believable - and in which they're both kept so well in character. But this one really, really works. Love it ! Love it ! Love it !
    Snape, of course, is a darling. What else could he be. I wanted so much for him to just have a little luck this time with Remus - and they got so close, didn't they.....
    As much I found the ending very sad, - it's also very plausible and just a very good *reason why* :-)
    You did it again.
    Keep doing it.
    Love ya'.

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