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Reviews for An one time opportunity

By : Slytheinkitten
  • From ANON - India S. on April 09, 2005
    Oooh! This is so friggin good! Continue please!
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  • From ANON - Colene Creevey on April 02, 2005
    Gah, it didn't seem to like my use of symbols. Probably thought it was an attempt at HTML. *sigh*
    *tries again*

    "Which year was it where you came from?" The boy who lived blushed he should have told that first. "It was 2003."

    That is incorrect. Harry Potter was born in 1980. That would make him 23 in 2003. Also, Severus is only 37 in Harry's 7th year.

    Anyways, this story has great promise. ^.^
    *goes back to reading*
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  • From ANON - Colene Creevey on April 02, 2005
    Sorry, I couldn't resist...

    "Which year was it where you came from?" The boy who lived blushed he should have told that first. "It was 2003."
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  • From ANON - Aulili on March 31, 2005
    God !!!!! I never realised you were there as well !!! Great, it'll save me the effort to write a mail (I'm particulary lazy these days... Loool !!!!) I actually began the translation of A One Time Opportunity into french quite a while ago, and the first chapter is near finished (bigbigbiggrin !), and I'm asking myself WHERE I'll post it... I suppose you'll want it on your site, won't you ? I don't know...
    I'm checking your site daily, despite my lack of writing to you... Rest assured that I havn't forgotten you !!! It's just that I have a great deal of exams this month, and next month, I'll write my finals (aaaaaaaahhhh ! Help !) so that by mid-may, I'll be in holidays... I'll have a lot of time to write then !!!!

    Bis bald !!!! Aulili
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  • From ANON - heyy13 on March 31, 2005
    How many reviews is enough to get you to update. ^.~ lol. I love this old storyline and your story has yet to dissapoint. I would love to see it continued.. :3

    ~ heyy13
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  • From ANON - >_< on March 27, 2005
    update, I must read more!!! pleaase????????? pretty pretty please with sugar on top?
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  • From ANON - mirestelfea on March 24, 2005
    Love this story so far, i hope that there is more to come. can't wait to see more.
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  • From ANON - Wildfire on March 22, 2005
    hmmm... hmmm there's a lot happening here.. but isn't harry changing his future by giving Snape a friend? Or has it already happened and something happens to make Snape this cold? BUT if that's true than why is snape so mean now? Hmmm Hmmm so many things to ponder.. Like what is Harry's snape doing in his time? Is he also looking for a way to bring the poor boy back? HMMMMM?! Well update soon and if you don't update soon could you E-mail me when you do so I don't forget? Ive greatly like to find out what happens here

    AIM Wi1dflowerzz
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  • From ANON - Emerald*Dragon on March 22, 2005
    Arggggg! How could you stop it there?! Your evil. A Beautiful writer, but evil :P Update soon please.

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  • From ANON - silverdragonz_z on March 17, 2005
    please do finish you're story. it's very good. i would enjoy rading more. thanks, keep writting.
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  • From ANON - Raven Potter-Snape on March 12, 2005
    I really enjoy this. Please update as soon as possible. I hope to read more soon. When you update please E-mail me notifying me of it. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - jess on March 09, 2005
    i like it its really nice i like time travle stories exp. hp/ss and this one is really good i like how the posions proffessor is jelouse of snape
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  • From ANON - HeadSorcoressofSlytherinHouse on March 09, 2005
    Oh, continue! I love this it's so cute!

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  • From ANON - shina on March 09, 2005
    Thus far this is a rather cool time travel fic, i can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - silvrfire on March 08, 2005
    i cant wait to find out what will happen next! i like how you portray the younger Snape as recognizably Snape but not as hardened and cynical yet, i hope we find out why he turns to the dark side.
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