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Reviews for An one time opportunity

By : Slytheinkitten
  • From ANON - greenangel on March 08, 2005
    hey i like your story please come back soon with another chapter
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  • From ANON - Morgan on March 08, 2005
    I love it, you have to keep up on it. I think the way you made Severus is PERFECT! -drools- Sevvy is my favorite... -nods-
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  • From ANON - Ru-Shin on March 08, 2005
    ^^ Please continue with this story! I like it alot. ^^ Update soon! *insert non-existant heart emoticon here*
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  • From ANON - Kaitlin on March 08, 2005
    I loved it, please continue!!! There are so many places you could take this story. I want to know how sev is going to react when and if harry goes back to his time. I want to know if the mauraders will torment harry at all. I want to know your theory of time for this story, is it a loop or somthing else. I like your way of story telling a lot so far, please continue!
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  • From ANON - Anita on March 08, 2005
    Ooh! I like it...I wonder how his friendship with 'young' Snape will effect the future. Theoretically the 'old' Snape had to have know that Harry would go back in time and meet his younger self, since he was there of course but then younger...right...never mind, I watch to much Star Trek and temporal paradoxes give me a headache!

    Keep writing!
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  • From ANON - Kat on March 08, 2005
    *Squeee* I love this premise. You've just captured young Severus so perfectly beautifully that I want to hug him and kiss him and make him mine, or Harry's it's all the same. My heart hurts for him, imagine going all through school (and boarding school) being treated so badly, I'm so glad that Harry is there to be his friend. I cannot wait for more, I just adore this. Thanks for sharing.


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  • From ANON - silverlook on March 08, 2005
    first, i must apolegaiz for my poor spelling.
    the story so far is wery good- allmost no OOC at all, somthing not seen a lot in SSHP fics- I must give you cradit for the way you build yong severus's charecter- very apopreate and trusteble-you can actually see the outcomes of the futer on the yong potion master.
    in the few first chapters, you did a better work at explaining the sitiuations-expaically in the first potion claas- in the later chapters you seem to make it quait shorter....
    The plot is grate so far and i want to see whre it's leeding to, so plese dont stop writing^^
    and to calm my perverty side, I musr add- plz make it SSHP insted of HPSS!! you made snape yonger than harry, so its logical that he wold be on top, but that just wrong!! sape is th MASTER!!!! he shold take harry and fu- *killes perverted side pf brain...*
    HEMM....aniway that's all i got to say for naw 0.^ *perverted side avakens* dond forget th lemons-*knoked off*
    thank you for the grate fic ^^!!

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