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Reviews for I\'m watching you!

By : Cupiditatis
  • From ANON - lensa on April 22, 2005
    I like Angelina's wit and fire, no damsel in distress here, at least not yet. I really can't find anything to improve on, but some of your scenarios are a little over used. Still I love it. Keep writing.
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  • From ANON - mimi on April 20, 2005
    *Scary music plays* Hmm, whom was the person checking out Oliver and Angelina? I'm dying to know. I was wrongly thinking it was Oliver maybe behind it all. Oh well. Good even if short.
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  • From ANON - Teda on April 19, 2005
    Since I'm way to lazy to log in, I'll be quick and say another good one. As a HUGE Angelina/Fred fan, this story has a really addicting plot.
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  • From ANON - tdk on April 18, 2005
    Good, good, good! You so royally rock as a writer.
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  • From ANON - lensa on April 18, 2005
    Good Chappie!
    I like Marcus, and you seem to have done a really good job giving them a past rather than making them two dimensional! Love it keep going.
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  • From ANON - Gigi on April 17, 2005
    Your stories are absolutley rapturing. Hopefully, you'll continue on with 'I'm Watching You', Angelina/Marcus pairings are so rare, but rather well liked by me. Keep up the wonderful work, and update that story sometime soon ;)
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  • From ANON - mimi on April 17, 2005
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  • From ANON - \"you killed kenny, you bastard!\" on April 11, 2005
    Sure, there is no love lost between them now, but...their mutal disdain is funny!
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  • From Teda on April 11, 2005
    Damnit, yeah I wanna know whom Angelina's been with, you tease! You cut off at the best part. Still, all that animosity was entertaining to read. I like a love/hate romance with a lot of hate in the beginning before it slowly turns to love. Makes for a better plot. Keep it up! ^_~
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  • From ANON - mimi on April 10, 2005
    Out-freaking-standing!!! Curious? Why does Marcus dislike cats? Oh well, I'm sure it'll be explained...
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  • From ANON - lensa on April 09, 2005
    love the chapter, and as always oliver! I wasn't suggesting that marcus not have a past it is just that some authors have a tendency to let their tough guys go soft. Ugghh. Love it keep writing.
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  • From on April 09, 2005
    Looks to be an intruiging read. I definitely like your story. One question? Marcus isn't troll looking like he was described in the books is he?
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  • From ANON - lensa on April 09, 2005
    sorry I didn't review your other chapters. I like all of your characters so far, especially oliver! wish I had friends that could cook. lol. NE way My one critique is that I don't think you should make Marcus all vunerable about being a death eaters son, he always struck me as a real son of a bitch and the best good guys are bad guys. Ya know. Not that he should be a complete bastard but don't let him go soft. OHHH well do whatever the hell you want 'cause I love your story so far. WRITE.
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  • From ANON - \"you killed kenny, you bastard!\" on April 08, 2005
    *Chuckles eviliy* Hmm, loved Marcus reaction.
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  • From ANON - Evilevergreen on April 07, 2005

    Please don't think I'm stalking you, =) but I was just wondering, since you have this posted on different sites will there be differences in the story, since you also have them under different ratings?

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