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Reviews for Cracking the Gold

By : Krazy
  • From Sarryn on May 10, 2005
    This story is enthralling and delicious beyond the capacity of human language.
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on May 09, 2005
    yet another amazing chapter, looking forward to the next!
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  • From ANON - ura on May 09, 2005
    I like the story, but it should have some purpose. What's behind the games of Draco?
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  • From ANON - sethian on May 08, 2005
    Niiiiice ^.^
    How about an other chapter ...*wink*
    can't wait to see what's next :o)
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on May 08, 2005
    harry is such a good little boy... *giggle*
    ut oh.. he made draco wait...
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on May 07, 2005
    Can't wait for chapter 13!
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 07, 2005
    MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm mu oh gaaahah *gasp* sexyness cant wait til next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Fefs on May 07, 2005
    Hey!! Me again! This chapter was fantastic... i wish i could do something like that.. Can you imagine you driving someone wild with desire and lust and then you just don't let them come? Gods... I want to do that with a Draco and a Harry! Don't pay me attention. I am now obssessed with the idea of finding one of them (both to be more thuthfull) on my real world.. Well, a girl can dream, right? And if you are going to dream you might as well have high hopes!
    Why am i telling you this right now? Oh, yes, the chapter! I knew that bondage thing would be really good!
    I loved the part that Draco is washing harry's hair! So cute! And Harry is still in denial! I'm glad you answered my last review cause i never thought about why Harry is in denial. He was hetoro until this.. poor guy! heieuheih
    I see they are starting to have a routine, right!? I'm glad.. and now i believe this will be a love fic in the future... But i'll read it with my kinky mind just in case.. then if they actually fall in love (with all the hate and denial) it'll be a bonus!! I'm going now. Congratulations again for the marvelous work and i'll see you soon!
    Oh.. i almost forgot.. Can you explain to me some things from your sumary? I never understand what these things mean, and now i'm curios.. I'll put in here those ones that i don't know what it means, ok? BDSM,B-M(od),D/s
    Please explain to me?? Thanks!! Hugs from your fan!
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  • From ANON - ura on May 07, 2005
    Nice long chapter. Very erotic too. Hooooooooooot!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on May 06, 2005
    Just read your response for chapter 10. I'd be glad to be a sounding board and helping anyway I can. So any hints on what happens in 12? Someone walking in on this little session? Where is Severus? Lucius?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on May 06, 2005
    Poor Harry! Can't wait for chapter 12!
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  • From ANON - Fefs on May 05, 2005
    Hello, dear!! Here i am, finally with time for the pleasures of life (reading can be so much fun, right??) ehehe.. and i see you updated 2 chapters!! I'm so glad you are that fast!! I even got a smile!! I'm glad you loved my review since i can imagine you feel curious about what we think about your work. Your fic is just fabulous! But to the chapters: They were (as expected i might add) perfect. harry likes the feeling of Draco having his wicked way with him but is in denial!! I love when that happens and Draco have to make sure our golden boy can't scape (why the hell would harry want to do that, i wonder...). That part about Harry's feelings "He did... n't" was a really good trick!! Humorous and smart thing for you to do!
    When i read the part that Draco thinks about the training i was just like this: *fefs pulls her hairs out screaming.. i wanna be his pet toooooooooooooooooo!!!!* Your Draco is just sexy.. and evil wich is even better when we are thinking about this blond...
    But my favorite part of these chapters was this one: "looping his wrists together tightly and jerking them above his head" - *fefs falls from her chair* I don't have words to describe this scene.. just HOT!!! Hot hot hot!!
    Well.. i'm sure you already know i loved these chapters and your fic by now, but i'll say it anyway.. I LOVE YOUR FIC!!
    Grand finalle: My opinnion... I just love this hated love thing... i know, i'm sick but.. my life is kind of boring right now so bare with me... I definetly hate when is a one side thing... yeah...
    Well, hope to see next chapter soon!! Hugs from a fan!
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on May 05, 2005
    *waits patiently by your feet for the next chapter*
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  • From ANON - lacquer on May 05, 2005
    Nice.... It really does get interesting as the story goes. Updates!! *grins*
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on May 04, 2005
    Can't wait for chapter 11. Almost like Draco is trying to tame him. I'm glad Harry's still got his fire but he might want to choose his battles better. I think they could fall in love with one another. But only after Draco gets his revenge and things settle down. Maybe someone tries to take his "pet" away and it makes Draco realize how he feels. Or someone brings it to his attention. No matter what you decide, I'll definately keep reading!
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