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Reviews for Cracking the Gold

By : Krazy
  • From Danine on April 24, 2005
    Eek! Someone's in trouble... Another good chapter, I like the way you describe everything, gives me a pretty good feel of the surroundings and emotion flowing throughout the room. Can't wait to read more =)
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  • From ANON - Danine on April 23, 2005
    I liked this! But it looks like chapter 4 and 5 are the same chapter, or my compter is messed up, which wouldn't be too hard to believe. Can't wait to read more, weeee!
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  • From ANON - ura on April 23, 2005
    Nice chapter. Write more and soon!
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  • From ANON - icestar on April 23, 2005
    :blinks: the same chapter twice?

    anyways, nice story ^_^
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  • From Sarryn on April 23, 2005
    I have been inexorably pulled under by the currents of your lambent words and have quite enjoyed the whole experience.
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  • From ANON - Storm on April 23, 2005
    Wait so 4 and 5 were the same? Hopefully you'll update soon and fix it. I love this story so far, and the inflection of the dialogue seems English so I think you two are doing excellent jobs. Keep up the great job and I can't wait to read your updates.
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on April 22, 2005
    *hugs author* update! yay!!! your draco is great!!! and harry is completely in character!!! *claps*
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  • From ANON - Storm on April 21, 2005
    hmmm I like. Hope you keep with the story. Good plot. Can't wait to read the updates.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on April 21, 2005
    Oh I can't wait until chapter 4! Where are Ron and Hermione? Dead? Alive as slaves? What does Draco plan to do with Harry?
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  • From ANON - ura on April 21, 2005
    I love this kind of stories as long as Harry does get too hurt.

    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - trixrstrange on April 21, 2005
    Hey, that format looks familiar... wait... I RP too *smirks*. Anyways... brilliant start, can't wait to read more and see how things go.

    Love, Hugs and Bludgers,

    Trix ^_^
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on April 21, 2005
    is it wrong of me to love harry weak and draco in power? jeez i hope not becuz i am loveing this!! *bows to the master*
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 21, 2005
    hmm, i'm not sure i like the whole dark side winning thing but this is deff. diffrent and interesting! update soon please!!
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  • From ANON - Pamela on April 18, 2005
    Great start! Can't wait for more:)
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on April 18, 2005
    Can't wait to see Draco's reaction to Harry.
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