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Reviews for Cracking the Gold

By : Krazy
  • From ANON - avihenda on July 19, 2005
    happy you guys are going to tell us if there is a spoiler. I'm only about 50 pages into HBP.
    Loved the chapter :-) love this fic. so much fun to read :-)

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  • From ANON - sethian on July 19, 2005
    Beautiful Slash ! Awesome!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 19, 2005
    Draco's claimed him. Harry told him he loved him. Oh I can't wait for chapter 33!
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  • From ANON - sbkar on July 19, 2005
    Good! Harry's coming to himself more and more, which seems to be very enticing to Draco...Note whimpers at end of chapter!!!
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  • From ANON - avihenda on July 17, 2005
    hi, I was just rereading your fic (again...) and realized a funny litle mistake. This is not critisism, I just found it a bit funny that I'd read the chapter atleast 4 times and just realized it. when Harry is first presented to Draco, he is wearing heavy chaines that ratle and such. What ever happened to them? One second he is wearing them and the next he's bound by dracos leach tingy. Nothing is ever said about the chaines. When I first realized this, the first thing that poped into my mind was "is he still wearing them?" which is idiotic but still kind of funny. It's late and I'm sorry for taking up time and space, but I just had to get it of my chest...
    I hope the next update comes up soon. I'm dieing to know how you will continue. the story keeps surprising me :-). I think it's a fun way you are comming up with the storyline. really inovative.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 14, 2005
    Oh wow! This just keeps getting better! I can't wait for chapter 32! Harry might be Draco's mate? His Veelan mate?
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  • From ANON - avihenda on July 11, 2005
    ah! you tease! I don't know who is the biggest tease in this fic, you or Draco! Love the chapter btw. GREAT GREAT GRRRRRREAT chapter! :-) can't wait to read the next part! I reread the end of the chapter directly, it has such good momentum somehow. Well, I'm going back to reread the entire chapter again and just hope the next chapter comes out soon. oh, and I agree with youre coment urlier, I'd love the room to, with Draco ofcourse. *shy smile*
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  • From ANON - Sparkleh on July 10, 2005
    The previously faint smell of the other was now clearer as he got closer. He could smell...cheesecake? Perhaps this was his imagination, but it did seem like some sort of a sweet...then again, the blonde was an entirely different treat.
    kallipiak (11:15:01 PM): *entirely different kind of treat

    Uh.... dare I say this IM escaped your scrutiny? XD Nice chapter... I was rather wondering why they were starving themselves but was too lazy to leave a review. Tee-hee~ "The Room" brought me up... then left me high and dry! Wondering where the rest of it was... boo.
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  • From ladymAlice on July 10, 2005
    Gah! how can you end a chapter there!

    ANd man-o-man, I want that room!
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  • From ANON - avihenda on July 08, 2005
    hi, I've been reading your fic since some weeks ago and I love it. I look forward to every new chapter, like it was xmas. :-) I really like the way you portray the characters and how you make them grow but still keep their original "feel" to them. I'm looking forward to the next chapter! take care!
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  • From Nextvictim on July 07, 2005
    this is cute... at least no more distance between them. are i going to see snape in the future?
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  • From ANON - sbkar on July 07, 2005
    The nightmare's aftermath was a tad creepy...that lingering miasma of dread that hangs on one like spiderwebs...
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  • From ANON - Sharon on July 07, 2005
    Great story and it is abundantly clear that much work has been put into this story. We all definitely appreciate your imagination.
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  • From ANON - miku on July 03, 2005
    Harry! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! love this to bits xxx i can't wait for your next chapter xxx
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  • From ANON - EMMA on June 29, 2005
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