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Reviews for Cracking the Gold

By : Krazy
  • From ANON - LPhoenix on June 19, 2005
    oh my god..... *is left on the floor panting, nearly unconcious*
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  • From ladymAlice on June 19, 2005
    I want the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on June 17, 2005
    Can't wait for chapter 27! Is Draco luring him into feeling safe to only send him crashing down? Or is the Ice Prince of Slytherin falling for the Golden Boy? Draco was a pet? When?
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  • From ANON - Fefs on June 16, 2005
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I know your plan!! You are plaining on killing me!! Could this chapter be any hotter?? I didn't know i was into these bondage things but guess what?? I think i am!! Hot.. so sexy! But i think i wanted to read that kiss more then Harry was wishing for it!! How do you do that? I read about Draco giving a blowjob and you make me wanna read about a kiss?? Uh.. i started the review on word, but them it was becoming a little to long them i opted for resuming everything i though about this chapter in one word: Bloody amazing! fantastic!! Ok.. maybe three words..
    But look some of my reactions on the chapter until the good stuff:

    "Sweets! Harry knew he had to restrain himself from sitting up too fast, but by the time he thought of this..." - hieueheieueiuh when i read that part i thought that was because Harry was still sore after er.. voldemort put somethin that i supose is big down there... heieuheieu Poor harry!! But he was just a little dizzy because of his blood lost! I'm such an obcessed person about harry's bottom.. Well.. Draco's to, but don't tell anyone. 0o
    The cherry thing was hot.. Draco is so.. aimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! *fefs pulls her hair out* Oh!! just remembered! I looooove those feedings!! Not draco's but harry's! Is so cute and after everytime they eat they seem to get along better! I always think about telling you that but i always forget!! Now i did!! Yey me!!

    "He proceeded to chew on his nails to keep his mouth shut." - that is soooo something we do when we are in these kind of situations.. You are so good in showing us the reality in things. That's good, i don't like when things are like disney fairy tales...

    Awww.. could Harry be any cuter?? Poor thing.. almost couldn't tell Draco what he wants!! Herat really ponds in our throat when we feel like tahs...

    Ok.. i'm sorry about this non ending review. I'll refrein myself next time.. wich is near, right? You'll be updating someday like tomorrow, right? cause... you saw where you stoped the chapter, right? I mean.. you.. you wouldn't let us wating so much, right?? Hugs!! I love this fic... is so kinky.. =P
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  • From ladymAlice on June 16, 2005
    Finaly! The good stuff!

    This chapter is very well done, and thank you so much for showing a healthy loving M/s relationship. It is very difficult to find a realistic and loving M/s(D/s) anywhere, usually they are either compleate slavery and unwillingnes or the participents don't really know each other. This is almost unique, But very much like a real D/s.-all they need is a safeword...but those are never as fun in storyworlds.

    Knowing that Draco started as a Sub made me smile, that is, of corse, how all good Masters -or Mistress'- start^_^
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  • From ANON - ku on June 16, 2005
    holy crap!
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  • From ANON - look at my ding-a-ling-ling on June 16, 2005
    Ooohhh!!!! Cute Cute CUTE chappie!!! I love the part where the cherry leaks juice onto Harry's lips when he eats it. You know, I tried doing that...but juice never leaks onto MY lips!!! Anyways, I have a ton of questions: Is harry Pregnant??? I sure hope not!! Please please PLEASE dont make it so...but then again why would he faint? Also the "Encyclopedia of Knots" is a brilliant play on words and its inpired!! I thought that was plain witty! Good job on know, when I saw the chappie title, I was thinking that they would go to the library or something...bc Harry wanted to cure his...stomach knots whenever he's around Draco? See what a lousy writer I would be if I wrote? That is why I stick to reading instead of writing. I like your BDSM plot much better than my stomach knots. lol! Oh and btw, will there be a draco/harry/snape anytime soon? you know, just checking @(^(oo)^)@
    Update soon,
    Your adoring fan!
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  • From ANON - look at my ding-a-ling-ling on June 16, 2005
    Ooohhh!!!! Cute Cute CUTE chappie!!! I love the part where the cherry leaks juice onto Harry's lips when he eats it. You know, I tried doing that...but juice never leaks onto MY lips!!! Anyways, I have a ton of questions: Is harry Pregnant??? I sure hope not!! Please please PLEASE dont make it so...but then again why would he faint? Also the "Encyclopedia of Knots" is a brilliant play on words and its inpired!! I thought that was plain witty! Good job on know, when I saw the chappie title, I was thinking that they would go to the library or something...bc Harry wanted to cure his...stomach knots whenever he's around Draco? See what a lousy writer I would be if I wrote? That is why I stick to reading instead of writing. I like your BDSM plot much better than my stomach knots. lol! Oh and btw, will there be a draco/harry/snape anytime soon? you know, just checking @(^(oo)^)@
    Update soon,
    Your adoring fan!
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  • From ANON - look at my ding-a-ling-ling on June 16, 2005
    Ooohhh!!!! Cute Cute CUTE chappie!!! I love the part where the cherry leaks juice onto Harry's lips when he eats it. You know, I tried doing that...but juice never leaks onto MY lips!!! Anyways, I have a ton of questions: Is harry Pregnant??? I sure hope not!! Please please PLEASE dont make it so...but then again why would he faint? Also the "Encyclopedia of Knots" is a brilliant play on words and its inpired!! I thought that was plain witty! Good job on know, when I saw the chappie title, I was thinking that they would go to the library or something...bc Harry wanted to cure his...stomach knots whenever he's around Draco? See what a lousy writer I would be if I wrote? That is why I stick to reading instead of writing. I like your BDSM plot much better than my stomach knots. lol! Oh and btw, will there be a draco/harry/snape anytime soon? you know, just checking @(^(oo)^)@
    Update soon,
    Your adoring fan!
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  • From ANON - look at my ding-a-ling-ling on June 16, 2005
    Ooohhh!!!! Cute Cute CUTE chappie!!! I love the part where the cherry leaks juice onto Harry's lips when he eats it. You know, I tried doing that...but juice never leaks onto MY lips!!! Anyways, I have a ton of questions: Is harry Pregnant??? I sure hope not!! Please please PLEASE dont make it so...but then again why would he faint? Also the "Encyclopedia of Knots" is a brilliant play on words and its inpired!! I thought that was plain witty! Good job on know, when I saw the chappie title, I was thinking that they would go to the library or something...bc Harry wanted to cure his...stomach knots whenever he's around Draco? See what a lousy writer I would be if I wrote? That is why I stick to reading instead of writing. I like your BDSM plot much better than my stomach knots. lol! Oh and btw, will there be a draco/harry/snape anytime soon? you know, just checking @(^(oo)^)@
    Update soon,
    Your adoring fan!
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  • From ANON - Fefs on June 16, 2005
    Awwww, what a cute chapter!! really sweet! I was surprized to see the way harry reacted cause.. i dunno.. i kind of thought that i would hate Draco for all eternety for what happened.. but seing this chapter i discovered i'm a quite forgivefull person!! I loved the way harry is not broken and is finally accepting that he Likes Draco.
    I'm sure Draco is thinking about doing the macarena after the way Harry is treating him.. So cuuuuute!! Really!!
    Please update soon, ok?

    Review apart: The nacho thing was just amazing.. I actually laughed!! really good idea! It's fun to read this bettersweet thing.. sad.. but not to sad.. and then Harry is so cute that makes the thing funny!
    Hope you are plaining on leting the ex-virgin see that sex can be REALLY good... oO
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  • From ANON - sbkar on June 15, 2005
    From lips to nacho chips!!!! Well first, I was squicked, but now, I'm enthralled....
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  • From ANON - Isis (to lazt to log-in) on June 15, 2005
    Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I absolutely loved this chapter, I wasn't sure what it had to do with nacho chips but once I finished it made sence and now I can't stop laughing. You have to update soon!!!!!!!

    Plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^BYE, Isis
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on June 15, 2005
    Too funny! I can't wait for chapter 26! Harry reactions to Draco was different then I expected. Wonder what Draco thinks about all of this....
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  • From ANON - look at my ding-a-ling-ling on June 14, 2005
    Ooohhh! So the love will finally build!!! YAY!! I have just read your whole story in less than 2 hours!!
    Its addictive and fun...but the raping bit was horrible... :( ...I was close to tears! Anyways, it seems that
    Draco and Harry will finally work on their own love...See? out of every bad comes a good. Voldemort's dastardly
    deed has pushed Harry and Draco closer together! :)
    I really love this story and keep up the excellent work!
    btw, will Ron be released from the basement? Can you make Harry entreat Draco to let him out of the basement?
    Its really sad to think of Ron like that...
    also btw, will Harry and Draco have...*blushes*...real sex now? heheheheh...just out of curiosity...
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