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Reviews for Cracking the Gold

By : Krazy
  • From ANON - LPhoenix on June 14, 2005
    great chapter... they are so cute.. in a weird sort of way.. i'm glad that harry is finally getting on the plan tho... :) update again soon..
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  • From ANON - Isis (to lazy to login) on June 14, 2005
    Hello! I love the new chapter. I've been keeping up with this story since the very begining and I must say that it interests me very much. I would love to get your opinion on my own stories "Hated but Loved" and "Apples never fall far from the tree". Plz,plz,plz,plz,plz,plz update soon!
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  • From ANON - Rose on June 14, 2005
    Yay! That was very good. Help Harry get better soon, okay? Is he going to see Ron again in the near future? Please tell us more of what has been happening to him. This is awesome! Is harry breaking? Is Draco going to help him? Thanks for responding to the reviews. There are lots of authors who don't do that.

    Update soon! ^_~
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on June 12, 2005
    That was intense! I can't wait for chapter 25! You did make it clear that Hermione was dead but I was hoping. I thought Ron was dead too and he isn't. He's kept in a basement? I bet he's confused with Draco's behavior too! What happens next?
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  • From ANON - sethian on June 12, 2005
    Oh this was a sad chapter along with the 23rd...hope things will get better...
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on June 12, 2005
    fab update... absoluetly fab... do it again soon.. :)
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  • From ANON - icestar on June 09, 2005
    heh, possessive much draco?

    and ron, silly boy....

    nice chapter though ^_^ heh, voldie IS a coward... and harry is reading too deep in his own action.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on June 08, 2005
    Can't wait for chapter 23! Ron is alive! Is Hermione? Ron isn't broken! Poor Harry! Now Draco knows. Harry was a virgin.
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  • From ANON - Rose on June 08, 2005
    YAY! Another chapter. Harry will live, right? Right?! Well yes, unless you were planning to end the story very soon, Harry would have to live. When you first said toy, I thought you meant sex toy. That's what Ron is, right? It's just, the way you wrote it, it sounded more like Draco just enjoys beating him up. Which is okay, just not nearly as exciting. Update quickly! And don't have Harry on bad terms with Draco for too long.
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  • From ANON - Fefs on June 08, 2005
    O_O What the fuck?? I'm out of words...
    I hate this chapter with such a passion and i can't understand how that makes me LOVE this fic EVEN MORE... What a hell of a plot you created!! Oh My God!! This punishment was so real and sick just like Voldemort itself.. Crazy sick perv BASTARD!!! This chapter held such a drama and emotion and ahhhhhh!! I really have no words! Ahhh, poor Harry! But Draco's punishment will be having his pet broken.. Cause after this harry'll be as good as dead.. Poor thing, raped in front of his best friend. I hope Draco falls in love hard and that harry make him suffer byond what is understandble.
    I'm so proud of Ron.. He is not broken! he calls Draco a ferret, he almost hurt himlself to try to help Harry. Wow.. I'm completely out of word, i simply can not imagine what will happen next!! I can't... Please update really soon cause if you don't after this chapter you'll be even worst than Voldemort to your fans, really.
    Hugs genius! I recomend for you to hide since if RoWling find you... =D

    Ps: ok, i like you again, but only because i was lying before, when i said i didn't like you anymore.
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on June 08, 2005
    *cries for harry and ron* update again soon
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  • From ANON - WretchedScar on June 07, 2005
    Holy fudge! UPDATE the bloody hell SOON!
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  • From ANON - Fefs on June 07, 2005
    Ahhhhhhh!! I love my hair!! My beautifull hair is going to the floor since my dear (ex-dear!!) author don't give me another chapter!! I'm pulling all out!! I'm going crazy here!! PLEASE UPDATE!! About this toy thing.. Won't Harry be really pissed of if he sees Draco is a son of a bich that is playing with his best friend? I mean.. this will get things a little harder for Draco to get Harry's heart (i still have hope...) But them again,you love to complicate things.. Humpf!! UPDATE PLEEEEASE!! Ok, that's IT!! I don't like you anymore!!

    Ps: What's the problem with that somebody that said all those rude things about your fic? Talk about it! I was shoked when i read it! Don't like it, don't read it... Oo

    NO HUGS FOR YOU!! >=/
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  • From ANON - Rose on June 06, 2005
    DRACO'S TOY IS RON! ISN'T he! Well, of corse he must be, for Ron and Hermione can't be dead, not both of them anyways. I LOVE this story. please update really really really soon!!! i had an idea I was going to suggest to you, before I read this chapter, but what you are doing is much better. You're a fucking Genious!

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  • From ANON - FGLorka on June 06, 2005
    I'm only wanted for Draco to let him die. It would be rest for him. It's disgusting, all Draco does to him for mess with Harry's mind and broke Harry's will. Damn it, if it was I who wrote this story, I would write it in the end about Harry, dying and taking Voldemort with him. Because - it's never can be possible to make someone happy by force. Harry the willing slave is broken Harry. Actually, not Harry at all. I always ache when I see it. I hate Voldemort!!! And I hate Malfoy!!!
    / Goes to be sick in dark grim corner, wanting a lot of chocolate to heal wounded heart/ :(
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