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Reviews for Cracking the Gold

By : Krazy
  • From ANON - Tiffany on June 06, 2005
    Wow that's the best story ever! I switch over from fanfiction dot net to this and haven't reveiwed on this site yet, your story was so good i just had to leave feedback. Maybe this will make you put up more chapters like right now? I hope so. that was a terrible cliffie, then again so is everyother story i read's last chapter
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  • From ANON - Fefs on June 04, 2005
    Hello! Really good chapter. I mean, it was good for the plot but not so good for someone that want them to be together.. I hate to read Harry doing things with Draco wanting to puke.. feeling disgusted. But it was, as always, really well written. Congratulations. I'm afraid to read the next chapter, but curious too. Please update soon, alright? Hugs! I love this fic so much.. i can't imagine where this is going and is driving me crazy!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! I wanna know how this is going to end!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on June 04, 2005
    Oh poor Harry! He had it good but not anymore. Can't wait for chapter 23!
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  • From ANON - Swiftrunner on June 03, 2005
    I love your story, and i thought i would pay a review. I was a bit confused with this chapter, but i think ii was distracted, i was trying to figure out the name of your poem at the beginning. What is it? I'll have to read this chapter again.

    Thank You!

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  • From ANON - moidy on June 03, 2005
    this is a great story. im loving it. one question, i've been wondering for a while. can draco read harry's thoughts? some sort of vampire ability maybe? just a bit confused but loving the story none the less. cant wait for the next chapter ^__^
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on June 03, 2005
    well harry almost had it there.... but... then he got caught..... update again soon... i need to know what is going on with this story!!!
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  • From ANON - xxnutty_lunaticxx on May 31, 2005
    Hi! Great fic! Can't wait until the next chapter. Just wondering, do you think you could email me when the next chapter comes out? I'm not regularly on so won't be able to check much. Thank you, and thanks for the wonderful story too. Every time I think I've figured out what's happening, a twist suddenly happens and I'm all confused again - lol!
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  • From ANON - sisko66002(not signed in) on May 27, 2005
    Draco being a non-traditional vampire was obvious but I had thought that perhaps either his innate magic or perhaps some spell was responsible for the unusual aspects. I hope you update soon because it seems that each chapter is better then the one that came before it and gives me some much needed inspiration in repairing and finishing my own fics.
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  • From ANON - evil on May 27, 2005
    Holy shist! ^^... That was absolutely... Well, I can't say it, because I'm totally speechless... I wonder what's gonna happen next, yeah? *Grins widely and stretches a bit* Update soon, 'cause I want to read MOOOOREEE!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on May 27, 2005
    Cannot wait for chapter 22! I like Harry's confusion. It should be there. Draco is treating him wonderfully now. Almost like a consort instead of a pet.
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  • From ANON - ura on May 27, 2005
    Harry is way too much into sweets.

    I thought vampires eat only blood.

    Why is Harry confused all the time?
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  • From ANON - LPhoenix on May 27, 2005
    yet another great chapter...... keep up the good work... :)
    update soon... i look forward to this story when i check for updates...
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  • From ANON - ura on May 27, 2005
    I love when Draco loves Harry even if it is perverted.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on May 25, 2005
    Need chapter 21! Harry plans to kill himself? No! He can't succeed!
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  • From ANON - Fefs on May 25, 2005
    Every time i read your fic i'm amazed with your talent... These last chapters were really good! This Harry's plan was so cute.. so childish and desparete: cute in a Harry way. Draco said he adores Harry... *fefs smiles*
    I'm so curious... now i'm beginning to think that in the end Draco and snape will help harry to kill Voldemort but it will be with lots of Drama since his death would induce harry's as well.. Oh, and please forgive me for my abssence but i was kind of depressed with some things in my life and not even slash could make me happy.. But now i'm back!! =D
    Well, good party for you, have lots of fun and inspiration and when you get back give us another incredible chapter!! Ciau!
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